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Posts posted by mpp2011

  1. No, you should never commit to more than one program. What you're describing is definitely unethical.

    If you commit to one program, then get accepted off the waitlist at a better one, then you can de-commit from the first program if you accept the waitlist offer. The program you originally committed to may be disappointed but they should understand. But to commit to two programs and pay two deposits is a bad idea.

    As for the scholarship being binding, there's no commitment until you formally accept the offer of admission.

  2. I'm still deciding but will probably attend GPPI. As a non-believer I'm slightly concerned about the university's religious ties. I can't imagine this would have much bearing on my experience at GPPI, but is this something I should be concerned about?

  3. I also attended both open houses and I met a LOT of other people who are choosing between these two schools. It seemed that most people were leaning toward Harris, mainly because they got a much better aid package there. Is anyone leaning toward Georgetown over Harris? Is anyone planning to attend GT over Harris despite getting a lot more aid from Harris? If so, how are you justifying it?

    I feel like I have two very good options here. I was really impressed by both open houses and feel like I'll get excellent training at either program.

  4. I was really impressed by the mock class and with everyone I met at Georgetown. I went to the domestic policy class. We divided up in groups and read over the Alabama confederate flag case, then proposed a plan for one side or the other. It was engaging and edifying. I also met lots of prospective students, current students, and faculty at the reception. Again, very impressed with everyone I met.

    I'm about to catch a flight, but I may try to share a bit more once I get home from this trip (attending the Harris open house this weekend).

  5. My main problem with Harvard notifying in late March is that their open house is on April 9. That doesn't leave much time to plan a trip.

    While I'm getting more in a D.C.-bound mindset every day, that could change with an acceptance (and decent funding offer) to Harvard. In that sense, the timing isn't too important to me.

  6. Here, let's ratchet the anxiety up a little bit more. For some fun (and nerve-racking) reading material, check out the WWS student bios, if you have not yet.


    They're all along the lines of "Bobby speaks 17 languages, including three dead ones, fluently. He finished a translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls at the age of eight and then created a Broadway musical out of his experience. He spent three years in Mauritania teaching sign language to manta rays, which then became his assistants in early childhood education programs in Bolivia and in demining operations in Cambodia. Bobby funded his own initiatives by selling his left lung, spleen, and liver. Even though he is a man, he has breastfed hundreds of orphans to save them from starvation. He is the only student to ever score a 4.1 gpa in nuclear-astrophysical-geothermal engineering. He devotes his free time to fighting forest fires."

    Actually, no, they're not that bad. They might actually reassure you that these students are mere mortals.

    Actually, I think I remember reading this bio on the site. My sources tell me that Bobby was accepted off the waitlist.

  7. seriously younglions, your post has me all agitated too. i wasn't planning to obsessively check email until friday. :P I just started a new princeton thread so that we can concentrate our anxiety in one place. i'm guessing at least a couple of people on this board will get in, it's going to be crazy exciting to see who it is!

    I think so too. I think everyone is too modest to give themselves a chance, but there are quite a few people on here who have a good shot. If you have a GPA of 3.8 or above, GRE of 650V/700Q or above, 2-3+ years of relevant, impressive work experience, and did a good job with your essays, it seems to me like you'd have as good of a shot as anyone. This profile seems to describe quite a few of you. And if you have a good shot at WWS, you have a good shot anywhere.

    I just hope that those who do get in will share the good news with us!

  8. Does anyone know anything about the MPP program there? I'm specifically interested in how the program stacks up versus GPPI and GW in job placement - the website doesn't have a career services section. On that note, do they have a career services office?

    Any insights into the strength of the program? There's been much more talk about GW than American on here. Is there a reason for that?

    That should be enough questions for now...

  9. ditto on the above...got my notice today after zilch on Friday. 10k also. have to say I was hoping for better since it's one of the pricier schools and in an expensive town, but maybe they have separate funding through assitanceships/work study programs on top of the scholarships.

    Anyway, seems like the notices are coming out sporadically, so I doubt anyone is out of the running yet.

    Wow, the plot thickens. You can imagine my surprise that people who didn't get emails on Friday got awards today. I wasn't so lucky, but who knows, maybe tomorrow? At this point anything seems possible. But again, I'm not getting my hopes up.

    Seems to me like GT would be worth it with the $10-12K scholarship if you didn't have a better offer from another top program (or another program in DC) and you didn't have to take out any cost-of-living loans.

    Congrats to all of today's winners, and may there be more tomorrow!

  10. I appreciate the sentiments above, but I really think that if I were still a candidate, I would have received an email yesterday. The email said "You can expect an update on your status via email Friday, February 27th. Only students awarded scholarships will receive emails." I didn't receive a status update yesterday, so I'm assuming that I won't get an award. So at this point the best thing I can do for my state of mind is assume that this round of funding didn't work out, and if I do get an award, I'll be pleasantly surprised. In my opinion, false hopes only prolong disappointment. Mentally I'm moving on and thinking about other opportunities for funding.

    This is merely my outlook on the situation. I do not want to repeat yesterday's anxious waiting.

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