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Everything posted by gabrbz

  1. Actually one of the universities I was rejected after an interview and they have a leading scholar in that area and she's the department head which made it feel extra sad, one of the senior Latin Americanists even said he looked forward to meeting in person after the pandemic.
  2. I am applying for Latin American History too, I have been rejected by every other university I applied to, and I usually got answers on the same day other people were accepted. It's so weird because no one contacted me, I've sent 3 emails to a potential advisor since the summer, and didn't get a single email back. Every other university that I was rejected also contacted me for an interview but UCSD was the only one who didn't. I am at loss here as I think it would've been nice to get the answer so I could move on with things if that was the case. Also, just wondering, if you feel inclined, would you mind sharing what was your SoP topic about? I've got answers that implied I was qualified and in interviews they seemed interested in my topic, but in the end I didn't get in because they couldn't offer 'resources' I think that's a way of saying my topic was too specific (indigenous warfare culture 1500-1700) thanks and good luck
  3. I just saw on the main website that 2 people posted about people accepted into UCSD F21 History PhD, but I haven't heard back yet, not that accepted neither that I was rejected. Looked on the university's website as well and no updates on my application either. Does anyone make anything out of this? From the other universities I applied they all gave me an answer at least, and the decisions of who got in and who got rejected were like a day away max
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