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Everything posted by RM97

  1. Maybe try talking to current students pursuing your program of interest to get a better insight! Imo, you can't go wrong with either. Good luck.
  2. Well, tbh, it depends on the program, I guess. Have heard that some robotics research groups' in CMU are brilliant. But again, its an expensive uni to attend. As a general rule of thumb, personally, I wouldn't choose any other uni over ETH unless they are in the top 3-5 in their respective fields globally. In Europe, ETHZ is very highly regarded, so graduating from here should open a lot of doors for you, in academia and industry alike.
  3. Current ETHZ MSc student here. I would choose ETH over Cornell anyday, everyday. But again, everyone has their reasons, and you might be getting a scholarship or you really fancy a research group there. So good luck, and congrats on getting admitted.
  4. @Theconfusedsoulgood luck to you with ETH. Should come sooner than later. As for me, currently waiting out on a couple more results. That being said, ETH is very tempting and pretty high on my list :D
  5. I applied to eth zurich for their MSc in Management, Technology, Economics around Dec last yr as well, got an admit early this week.
  6. Still a couple more days, I think, unless they underpromise and overdeliver in terms of timelines, which wouldn't be too bad either xd
  7. Personally, I think its more applications and competition, maybe even reduced intake due to funding uncertainties. The conference room vs zoom meetings doesn't hold much ground , acc to me!
  8. Any news, guys?
  9. Just got my msc mtec admit. Any whatsapp/discord link for the same?
  10. Does the mtec department not send out admits/ rejects all at once? I am yet to receive any decision.
  11. Maybe we'll hear something today. Best of luck to all of you. We're in the endgame now ?
  12. Nothing for me. But, I guess, will get rejected in all certainty. They usually send out the admits first.
  13. It is what it is, I guess! At least, we can sleep well knowing that we wont be getting any news anytime soon.
  14. This is what Ed said - "Admissions wise, things are proceeding apace but with the more complex logistics this year, the admissions committee is now looking at the middle of March."
  15. I did mail him today. Will update you guys as soon as I get a response.
  16. Can we expect results today?
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