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Posts posted by strgrl522

  1. Hi all!


    Has anyone applied to JHU for their MPH program? Does anyone know when decisions may be sent out? I've been doing some google searches (can't locate a date range on the website) but have only seen results trickling in for PhD applications...



  2. Spain People, what cities are you going to be in?

    I'm headed to Barcelona, for the most part with some time Andalucia, Valencia and Madrid...

    I'll be in Granada, planning to reach out in Cadiz as well during my research. Viva Andalucia!

    Could someone PM me with the Facebook group?

  3. Congrats to all who have heard back! For the alternates -- stay positive!!

    On another note, I don't think I remember what it feels like to not have a semi-ulcerated stomach... haha the anxiety is getting to me!!

  4. That is an amazing accomplishment! What program are you looking to pursue?

    What should I do?

    My deadline to accept the offer to my grad school is the 15th (which is Sunday, so really - do they mean Friday? Or Monday?) I STILL haven't heard re Fulbright (Spain, Full).

    I'm going to wait one more day but by tomorrow, I feel like really need to contact my school. It's the only offer I received; it's full funding, with a TA Stipend, and I'm very much interested in working with the professors there.

    So what happens? Do I accept the offer and then if I get the Fulbright, ask for a deferral? Should I be upfront and honest with them that I'm waiting to hear back and if I hear, I'll definitely accept? Or do I just accept and then hope like crazy they will defer/be understanding?


  5. Update on Spain: "We haven't heard anything from the Spain Commission but we hope it will be within the next two weeks." I guess all previous estimates were pure guess work. Trying to stay positive!

    Mil gracias, Aronofsky. Is this for Full/ETA applicants or just ETA? I thought they would be much further along by now based on previous information (i.e. that they'd be prepping sending out notifications, not waiting to hear back from the Commission). Either way, the update is greatly appreciated!

  6. Dear Spain Research Fulbrighters

    Contacted Rachel (to make sure our timetable wasn't different from ETA time-table) and she said we would hear back either this week or next (so I guess all Spain folk will find out at the same time), keep clicking refresh, I guess.....

    On another note, anyone else want to swap essays, I read one and it was really good, curious to see a few more, if any one is willing.

    Thanks so much for doing this!

  7. It's been so quiet on the forum lately... I was hoping that at least others would hear back so that we could share in their excitement! I know it's totally not feasible, but I wish there were specific dates we knew so that I could stop having email dreams now that it's April :P

  8. I talked to Rachel today. She made me stipulate if I was a finalist for ETA or Full to Spain, at which point she told me "between one and two weeks." I hope to God that the protests don't continue much longer/turn violent.

    Thanks for calling her!

  9. If anyone else is interested in knowing, I'm willing to call Rachel tomorrow to inquire into the status of the Spain ETAs. That is, unless someone already received an indication of when to be expecting notification?? Anyone?

    Ditto! I'd be willing (i.e. looooove) to hear how Spain's notifications relate to Andorra's...

    If you'd inquire into Spain's Full notification timeline when you call, that would be freakin' awesome too... but no pressure!

  10. Sure thing!

    My grant is focused on cultural and social stigmas regarding mental healthcare and its subsequent effect on Korea's suicide epidemic.

    Super interesting! Thanks for sharing -- I plan to pursue an MPH which is why I asked :)

  11. First time posting!

    Full grant acceptance to Korea in public health!

    Congrats to everyone who got the grant!

    And best wishes to those waiting on notifications...

    Congrats!! If you don't mind sharing a bit, what is the focus of your project?

  12. Congrats to all have heard back so far!

    even for those who didn't make it... at least you are no longer on pins and needles.

    anyone else anxiously waiting to hear back from Spain and hoping this week is it? Last year I think notifications when out early-mid April, but I'm not sure about years previous to that.

    Si! Trying to keep myself occupied and not get hopes up...

  13. Yes. My host organization has been super helpful and supportive. My husband and I spend my last student refund check on tickets to visit the village we will (??please??) be in. We worked for a week at the organization and fell in love with the pueblo and the people there. We cannot wait to go back- the kids have been asking about it a lot lately, too. They are excited to meet the kids I'll be working with (positive thinking!).

    Also, I was told by a former professor today that, if I am approved, he has five really nice cameras to donate to my project!!! Come on, Costa Rica- five, count 'em, FIVE fancy new cameras. That's enough to push me into approval territory, right?

    Thanks, ALSimon! Fingers crossed for you!

  14. Is anyone else waiting to find out about the Boren fellowship as well? Stress from waiting for one life-changing email is bad enough, but stress from two is worse! We are finding out (unofficially) for that as well this week - I'm not sure my nerves can take much more of the ups and downs, did I or didn't I stuff! Eeeek!!!

    Best of luck with the Boren! That's a really interesting program. What country did you apply to?

  15. Many thanks to T Pain, sambino4, and Jumat for your thoughts!

    Congrats to those who have heard and my heart's with those who received unfavorable news. I hope notifications for other countries come soon!

  16. Anyone else struggling with trying to plan for next year while simultaneously adding to the end of every plan 'but if I get the Fulbright...'? I've realized that apartment hunting for my grad program is essentially useless until I hear. Either way, I can't exactly put a non-refundable deposit down for an apartment that there is only a 50% chance I'll need this August. I don't want to be 'that person' who calls up Fulbright and asks for information when I know I won't get any answers, but it would sure be nice to be able to start planning either way...

    I'm in a similar position -- I put off grad school to pursue this application (and a nonprofit job). I'm back from an internship and have been looking for temp work because my life will be changed (for better or for worse :) ) within the next few weeks, and I don't think it would be fair to accept a full-time job only to potentially leave it in a few months. Hard to plan ahead!

  17. Its especially difficult when you have to make life plans around it. I don't want to speak about it, but every time someone asks, "What are your plans for the next year or so?" I have to mention it...

    I'm in the same position. Each time I mention it, I feel like I'm upping my jinx haha! I try to be as vague as possible :P

    To all applicants, making it this far is truly an accomplishment, and can definitely (& should!) be noted on you resume.

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