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Posts posted by ShanC

  1. Hi everyone,

    I am going to pursue a master degree in the UI/UX field. Now I have got the following admissions recently, and both are STEM programs:

    1. NYU- Interactive Telecommunications Program(ITP) , waiting for scholarship
    2. Pratt- Information Experience Design (IxD), w/ scholarship

    I was major in logistics management that is not related to art or design when I was undergraduate. And I had some work experiences as a marketer in recent years.

    Now, my career plan is to become a UI/UX designer. However, a friend of mine, studying at NYU-ITP now, told me that ITP does not focus on UX even though it is a well-known school.


    Does anyone have any advice on choosing the program? Which program is more competitive in the UI/UX field in the U.S.? Which program has more opportunities to find an internship?


    Thank you for your kind support! ?

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