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Posts posted by MP22

  1. Hi All,

    I'm currently weighing the following options and would love any input:

    Georgetown McCourt MPP

    NYU Wagner MPA

    Michigan Ford

    I've been working at an IGO in DC for the last 6 years, so am a couple years older than the typical MPP student. I hope to apply to the MBA program at the school I choose and create a dual MPP/MBA degree. I'm interested in how to bridge business, technology, and policy to address gender inequities (when I applied, I was considering an international focus but now I'm considering domestic as well). I don't have a dream job in mind but would consider policy jobs at tech companies or government positions/fellowships like the Presidential management fellowship as of right now. I was pretty set on Georgetown since I already have a network in DC and love the city, but I have heard mixed reviews about the overall experience/career outcomes and want to fairly consider all my options now. Here are a few notes for each school top of mind, but I'm interested to hear from others in this position or who are at any of these schools:

    McCourt MPP:

    -DC network- ability to go to events/speak to people working in the field

    -Ability to do internships during the academic year 

    -Research opportunities seem easier to come by than at other universities

    -Already established friends/network in DC

    NYU Wagner MPA:

    -NY network- similar to DC, people working in every field 

    -Not as technically focused as MPP; seems like there are more options to go into the private sector or bridge non-profit/private sector together

    -Experience of living in NY for a couple years

    Michigan Ford:

    -Highest ranked of the 3. If I was able to make it a dual with Ross MBA, I'd have 2 top ranked degrees which seems like it would give me good career options

    -Seems more domestic/local focused than other two programs which seems slightly limiting for what I want to do

    -Seems like the strongest/most supportive community of the 3 schools- people I've talked to seemed to love the entire experience whereas I didn't get that vibe from GU

    -College town experience- I went to a small liberal arts school for undergrad so it would be a fun/different experience

    -Strongest quantitative education of the 3


    Overall, I want to develop a strong quant skill-set,  research skills, and enjoy my grad school experience. I know I'll have great options at each of these places, but curious what others would do in my shoes and what else I should be considering! Thanks :) 


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