I'm currently finished with my Junior year at a large public ivy and plan on applying to Education Masters programs next year. Here are my stats:
GRE Score: 1100 **just took a practice test**
GPA: 3.5 (English major w/History and Education [theory] minors)
Work Experience: Teaching intern with a TFA affiliate this summer, taught with a well known charter school organization last summer, and have volunteered in education the past few years
Undergrad Institution(Public, Private, Ivy, etc..): Large public ivy (similar to University of Connecticut, Penn State, UC Davis)
Research Experience: --
Applying for PhD or Masters: Masters
Program: M.A. w/certification unless otherwise noted.
What Schools Are You Applying To: Vanderbilt, Harvard (Teacher Education Program [TEP] or Technology, Innovation and Education), Stanford STEP, Columbia Teachers College Communication, Computing and Technology in Education (w/certification), UCLA, University of Oregon, University of Washington
So what do you all think?
With that GPA, GRE and work experience, do you think I have a chance at Stanford STEP, Columbia, UCLA, and Harvard? I looked through the Education acceptance post on this board, but a lot of people had GREs 1300+ and were applying to PhD programs.
Congrats to everyone that's been accepted and best of luck to everyone else!
Hoping for helpful responses for me and the rest of the community!