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Posts posted by bhowmikareddy

  1. Hello!

    I am an aspiring Computer Science grad student, prepping for the GRE. I have written one practice of each of the Issue and Argument essay, and I am hoping someone kind will be willing to give them a quick read-through and give me some pointers! They are not long, less than one page each. 

    Additionally, if anyone has any expertise in the GRE, or Computer Science in general I would love to connect with you!


  2. Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear.

    Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.


          The bifurcation of government’s fund plays a pivotal role in directing the path in which the future of a country's success depends on, and funding new scientific research is the responsibility of the government. In my opinion, I strongly disagree with the above stated premise and argue that the Govt should underwrite to the scientific research due to the following three reasons:


          Firstly, new innovations catalyses the growth of a country’s economy exponentially. Every successful research was once in a rudimentary state where there were little or no empirical results or evidence. For instance, when the entire world was suffering from a pernicious pandemic called COVID from 2019 through 2021, scientific institutions from across the world were not able to come up with a vaccine with considerable efficacy. If the government at that time hadn’t provided enough funds for the research and development of the vaccine, the virus could have cost millions of lives. Moreover, the authority of a particular country providing support to the R&D gave hope to the residents of the same country that: they will overcome the difficult times and once again everything will be back to normal. The hope a commoner has galvanizes the scientific community to produce better results. So, in all a government providing help to these institutions is a win-win situation for both its citizens and for the scientists to fecundate a breakthrough.


         Another perspective which adds to the benefits of funding scientific research is that, the country which succeeds in these kinds of researches earns a great amount of respect and fame all over the world and in the longer run boosts the economy of a country, through several scientific strides a country can exalt from being a lower tier country to tier 1 country. For example, take the case of India whose then Prime Minister was Narendra Modi who invigorated the youth and the scientific community to innovate a vaccine which will help people to fight against the deadly Coronavirus. By mid- January two vaccines were invented namely- Covishield and Covaxin, each of which had an average efficacy of 80%, these vaccines came as a fortune to the country in multifarious aspects like: The exports of these vaccines helped the country to build better relations with other countries, in addition to this invention India was extolled for its efforts in fighting the virus and had etched its name in the history of pharmacology.


    On the other hand  some people suggest that if the Government renders resources to scientific research with no consequence, it squanders both money and time. However, in my view it is never a waste of resources, even if the research fails to produce results as it acts as a yardstick to other scientists working in the same field. So, by the consistent efforts of a group of scientists working in a particular field of research will one day achieve heights of success, which in turn will help a country. So at the end, the government should fund the scientific research even if it has no consequences as “ A science today, is a technology tomorrow”.


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