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Posts posted by gchandra

  1. So my BA is in Comp. Literature, supplemented by several social science research positions and classes (mostly psych). Now i'm leaning towards anthro/soc with an IR/econ focus, however, and I know I need some Econ classes. Most programs I've looked at want Micro, Macro, and something else I can't remember at the moment.

    How do post-bac courses work? Can I just enroll in these classes independently, without getting any type of degree, and get grades on them?

    Thanks in advance : )

    (X posted once)

  2. My official degree is in Comparative Literature (ahh liberal arts, I love you, but you didn't get me a job), supplemented by lots of social science research and several courses. However, now that I want to go into government affairs/IR/sociology, I'm realizing I need Econ courses, and need them bad. What's the best way to do this?

    I'm currently based in Denver and hope to get a (cross fingers) Fulbright starting next Fall. Can I just take Econ courses at CU Denver without getting a degree? Will schools like this?

    Thanks for your help!

  3. So I want to do diplomacy at the NGO or governmental level, and I currently hold a BA in psych/english. I want to switch fields, and I have two questions:

    1) Can an anthropology Ph.D be practical for the above work? I don't want to finish 6 years and be like, "Oh, hm. Should have majored in something else." (reminiscent of my current situation haha!)

    2) IR seems more applicable to the above professions, but I'm not a fan of number crunching beyond what is necessary in anthropology/social science. Any interdisciplinary programs or recommendations about this? Or maybe I can get training at a local college in econ before applying to grad programs?

    Thanks in advannce!

  4. About GPA-- I effectively asked this question in a webinar, as I was concerned about my undergrad GPA as well (I, however, am a recent grad and have not been enrolled in a grad program). They said there's no cutoff, as was said above, and furthermore, they take other things into consideration: if you went to a really rigorous/prestigious school, GPA matters a wee bit less as they figure it was harder to pull a 4.0 there. Also, your extracurriculars may balance out a weak GPA if you were really involved in the community-- obviously a priority for the Fulbright. I'm hoping these two factors will work in my favor!

    Right now I'm trying to figure out what master's/ph.d programs to apply to if I do/don't get my fulbright. aaaaah!!!!

  5. i think this would depend on what sort of anthro work you did for your dissertation. there is political and economic anthropology done within the cultural anthro subfield. you could explore a political or economic issue you would like to know more about in terms of its human impact and demonstrate how that makes you a reliable source for info in relation to that (and other related) issues. in fact, it is my opinion that diplomats could benefit from being familiar with the human impacts political and economic policies and ideologies have.

    you could also look at public anthropology programs. i think that many people who are interested in an applied anthro find those programs attractive.

    Thanks so much for the recommendations! I'll look into those.

  6. Hey there everyone, I'm a college grad exploring anthro masters/Ph.D programs.

    I want to pursue diplomacy work (at the governmental/NGO grassroots level), but am not necessarily interested in the political science/econ routes. I enjoy anthropology the most academically, but have heard that it may not be the most relevant to professional diplomacy. Although it is obivously related, I've heard that aforementioned tracks ensure more professional opportunities.

    Any thoughts? Interdiscplinary programs maybe? All help is appreciated, thank you in advance : )

  7. YAAAAY! Done finally, got my last rec in today. Like 10 minutes ago.

    Wow that feels good. I'll miss doing work though...I still have to actually apply to the schools, so that'll keep me busy,

    Good luck to everyone!

  8. When does the application officially close? I've read midnight last night (Sunday), which now I know is not true, as well as 5pm EST today and midnight tonight.

    I've submitted my application but still waiting on a recommendation from a prof!

  9. Last minute questions!

    1) Did you guys put a different thing for the "future plans" text box than you addressed in your PS/SGP's? Torn between being a bit redundant and capitalizing on extra space!

    2) My faculty sponsor didn't put her letter on official letterhead. Is this necessary?

    umm, more to follow probz.

  10. Hey Everyone,

    Congrats to those already done! I'm applying at large, so I have a couple days yet to put finishing touches my essays.

    Are any other at-largers interested in trading personal and/or grant statements? I'm definitely interested for any and all opportunities to share feedback! FYI, I'm applying for a Master's in Anthropology to the UK.

    Best wishes to all : )

  11. Strgrl, I feel you. I was going to apply two summers ago, only to realize my reasons for applying were all wrong. This year, I am truly passionate about my project-- and am starting to remember, when working on my essays, the degree of this excitement. So that's good!

    On one hand, I'm so jelz of all you people still on campus, who have to submit it early and have structure (Congrats on getting it done, you guys! That must feel AMAZING). Then again, I'm grateful for the extra time and flexibility. Blaaaah.....if anyone else wants to trade scripts, I'm editing my SOP and writing my PS today (for UK Research grant).

    Good luck to everybody, as always : )

  12. Yay for exchanging essays! If I were ETA I would-- I'm applying to an Anthro MA/MPhil program in the UK, though. I would love to exchange research SOP/PS with others though, I'm applying at-large and feel a bit overwhelmed by going solo. My alma mater as of last June is apparently swamped with apps.

    UK-specific question, anyone? I really want to apply to SOAS in London, but it's NOT a fee-waivered institution. The UK page clearly states that preference will be given to people who apply to fee-waivered institutions. I know people apply to several institutions for the UK, fee-waivered and not, but I'm thinking about what I want my "primary" affiliation to be. I want to follow my heart, but also increase my chances. Advice anyone?

    Also, I'm a bit behind on the ballgame. I JUST completed a draft of my SOP, sans references or stats, and have yet to embark on my PS. I'm waiting to hear back from both my university affiliate and cultural institution affiliate for a formal letter. AAAAH! Any help?

    Thank you in advance! : ) Good luck to everyone!

  13. Me too. Been having a really hard time finding affiliations, and my FPA hasn't been answering my emails. So glad I'm not alone!

    I'm in SUCH a funk! I haven't looked at my app for over two weeks, but have done so much work for it in the past. I'm having trouble getting excited about it again, like I once was. Any words of wisdom from personal experience?

  14. Hi all!

    I'm applying as an alumna of my college for a research grant in Colombia. I'm so excited! However, I started the formal process a little late. I have a few questions that may be answered in this thread, but search isn't helping me and I won't have time to read through them for a couple of days (has anyone else been doing this while working full time? ohmy.gif).

    - Can letters of affiliation be printed, signed, scanned and sent to me as PDFs? How are people doing these?

    - Do you think there would be any disadvantage to my application if I planned to gain a Master's as part of my project? My affiliate offers a one-year Masters that would be in my field. I'm still deciding whether or not it would be the right thing, especially because I would like to take courses in another department to fortify another aspect of my project

    - Anyone with experience in flexible starting dates? Will planning to start on a different date make my application weaker? The website says the preferred start date is August 1. However, many programs begin in the winter or in July.

    - Has anyone else been asked to apply and be accepted to the affiliate institution before a letter will be written? I understood that a letter would say something like, "Pending acceptance to our hallowed institution, we will offer Siguenomas the following resources and support..." However, the affiliate with which I hope to work has asked me to apply for their program first. I have not been very good at asking for letters, and don't want to pester them. However, the deadline is coming up and a complete application would take some time, plus add an unanticipated burden to my referees.

    - Is anyone willing to proofread my statements? :) I would love some feedback (and would be happy to proofread for others)!

    Hi there,

    I totally empathize with working (only PT for me, but I still feel it's a stretch!) and doing the app.

    I'm applying to England, and I know for a fact they prefer people to be apply for Masters-- or rather, people who apply for Masters degrees with fee-waivered institutions are given preference, only because this is less financially stressful for the Fulbright organization.

    As for the letter, I say try to get a letter from a professor-- usually they don't care whether you're accepted or not, they know how bureaucratic these things can be. I know people who applied to Master's programs who DIDN'T get letters from professors, however-- just acceptance letters from the institutions themselves were sufficient. I wish I could help you more with your questions, but one thing I am interested in is trading reading statements! (And with anyone else out there too). I'm applying at large since it's been more than 1 year since my graduation date, and my alma mater won't/can't help.

    Good luck!

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