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Posts posted by lattee

  1. Undergrad Institution: Ivy League
    Major(s): Psychology
    Minor(s): Biology
    GPA: 3.45
    Type of Student: Domestic Female URM
    GRE General Test:
     164 (78%)
    V: 163 (92%)
    W: 4.5 (79%)
    Programs Applying: Biostatistics Masters
    Research Experience: 
    Clinical research coordinator (2 years, full time job)
    Undergraduate clinical research assistant (2 years part time, 2 publications (3rd & 6th author))
    Experimental psychology thesis (1 year independent study course)

    Dean’s list (senior year) 
    President’s honor’s list (community college- post grad)

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 
    Nursing assistant (1 year part time)
    Letters of Recommendation: 
    1. Linear algebra instructor (the instructor didn’t know me well but I needed an academic letter, okay letter), 
    2. My PI from my research coordinator job (ivy med school professor, MD-PhD with dozens of publications, strong letter), 
    3. My direct manager (department’s research program manager, strong letter)
    Math/Statistics Grades: Statistics 1 (A), statistics 2 (B), calc 1 (C- first semester freshman year then retook and got an A), calc 2 (A), calc 3 (A-), linear algebra (A)

    Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: I had an upward trend in my GPA. My freshman year grades were bad but I corrected the course as an upperclassmen and in my math prerequisites post-grad. I also think that my SOP was strong as was my research/work experience.

    Applying to Where: 
    Duke Biostatistics MS- Admitted + 30,000/yr scholarship - Accepted!
    University of Pittsburgh Biostatistics MS- Admitted +19,000/yr scholarship - Declined 
    Columbia Biostatistics MS- Admitted - Declined
    Johns Hopkins Biostatistics ScM - Rejected 
    Harvard Biostatistics SM-60 - Rejected


    Very happy with these results! I got an early acceptance to Pitt because of rolling admissions so I cut down my application list and only applied to schools that I would choose over that scholarship. I applied to Duke partially because I knew that they gave half tuition scholarships but I didn't expect a 75% scholarship! My math background isn’t the strongest because I decided on biostatistics after finishing undergrad. I took Calc 1-3 and linear algebra through community college night classes. This might have been a negative for some schools but it worked out fine for me in the end.

  2. Hi Everyone,

    I'm planning to apply to biostatistics masters programs and my current GRE scores are 163 V (92%)/ 164 Q (81%) / 4 W. On practice tests I was getting 166-167 Q but I haven't been able to reach those scores on the real exam despite two attempts. Some reaches that I was considering were Hopkins ScM, Harvard SM60, Brown ScM, and Penn MS. My full applicant profile is in my previous evaluation post for more information. 

    Is this score sufficient for top biostat ms programs? Would it be beneficial to retake it or not submit my scores? 

  3. Hi Everyone. I'm trying to come up with a list of schools that are feasible for me after bombing my undergrad gpa as a pre-med underclassman. I'm thinking that GRE and prereq grades can make up for my weak undergraduate performance but I'm not sure if I'm being too optimistic. 

    Programs Applying: Biostatistics MS

    Undergrad Institution: Ivy League
    Major: Psychology
    Minor: Biology
    Undergrad GPA: 3.30
    Type of Student:  Domestic, Black, Female
    GRE: Haven't taken yet but my average based on practice tests is 164V (94%), 167Q (89%)

    Relevant Coursework: Taken at Ivy- Calc 1 (C-), Stat 1 (A), Stat 2 (B); Taken at community college post graduation- Calc 1 (A), Calc 2 (A), Calc 3 (A), Linear Algebra (A)
    Research/Work Experience: Undergraduate research assistant (2 years doing data collection resulting in 2 authorship for publications), nursing assistant (1 year part time), Clinical research coordinator (2 years full time)

    Schools I’m interested in (hoping to stay near the east coast or midwest) :

    Reach: Duke, Johns Hopkins, Columbia

    Match?: Rutgers, UNC, UMICH, Drexel, Temple

    Safety: I'm not sure if anywhere is safe

    I would love to hear you guys' thoughts and suggestions. Thanks!

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