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Posts posted by RandomMathGuy

  1. On 8/25/2021 at 6:05 PM, trynagetby said:

    If you got A's in Real Analysis/Applied Analysis (which I'm guessing is like baby functional analysis?) I think you should apply to the range of NCSU/Wisconsin Madison/UIUC/Rice/Texas A&M and below. NCSU/Wisconsin might be a little of a reach but its pretty possible :).  I'd also think about applying to programs like Umichigans Biostat Masters (which is funded) to give yourself a leg-up before going PhD. If Biostats is an option, UNC biostats and below should be a good chance. Good Luck!

    Thanks a lot! What about Stony Brook and Pittsburg? Are they within reach?

  2. I did not plan on applying to stat phd programs until this summer, so I don't have many stat courses, I hope I could still have a chance. Also consider applied math programs.
    Undergrad Institution: Top 100 US university, public(I went to a community college for 2 semesters before I transfered to my current university)
    Major(s): Applied Mathematics 
    Minor: None
    GPA: 3.9+
    Type of Student: Asian male, first generation(I doubt this would give me any extra credits)

    GRE: Take in the fall
    GRE Subject: Not planning, but might take in the fall
    Coursework (completed)
    Lower division: Calc1-3, Discrete Math, Applied Linear Algebra, Intro to Proofs
    Upper division: Intro mathematical stats, Calc4 differential equations, Geometric Structures, Finite Mathematical Structures, Data Analysis, Graph Theory, Applied Algebra, Mathematical Biology, Intro to Analysis(Intro real analysis), Applied Real Analysis, Applied Complex Analysis, Intro computational math
    All As, except a B in calc1. Also have some CS, tech, or coding-related courses, all As.
    Research/ working experiences: One REU this summer on deep learning, very likely to get my paper published(first author)
    Python, Java, Latex, C, Matlab

    Teaching experience
    - TAed 2 semesters in intro mathematical stat course
    Letters of recommendation:
    1 from professor I've done research with(probably very strong, but who knows). One from professor I TAed for(probably strong). One from a Distinguished professor(probably just positive, but could be strong)


    Unsure, every school seems to be a reach for me. All recommendations would be appreciated!


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