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  1. Well, as an undergrad, I will cry if it's in May
  2. Especially since they seem done with results for with the other divisions of chem... I feel you
  3. MIT inorg profs pls put me out of my misery already I have other schools to go to now :')
  4. My interview was so awkward that I cannot imagine being accepted, so consider me rejected, might as well. My POI specifically emphasized the parts of her research that did not match mine. I guess it's my mistake for writing about the parts of her research that I liked? Never mind that I had two other POI who my current works matches great with :')
  5. Do you know if those accepted were all emailed by their POI that interviewed them? And was each person interviewed by their POI? I was, but that's all I know
  6. You never know. Maybe you're in the second wave if enough people turn MIT down. Wait in pain with me for our reject letters
  7. Ah good. I'm not dead yet. Inorg hours~ I'm going to be so stressed sleeping tonight. I have a feeling if I don't hear tomorrow, I'm dead tho
  8. I see that gradcafe post too lmao.... too bad my POI probably distain me after that interview
  9. Elaborate on hard lol please I beg you. Mine is in the next few days, I hope they don't ask me to rattle off boiling points or draw an MO diagram.
  10. Lmao I had no follow up questions either. God I talked too much about my projects and probably too fast. Same questions as above tho (inorg). edit: I'm still mentally melting, I need to tell someone that
  11. Someone please confirm with me that Stanford is done sending out interviews so I can mark myself rejected and forget about them lmao
  12. edit: Jk maybe not, all the interview slots aren't all filled.
  13. I'm going to be a robot. Also guess what. MiT just sent out interview invites. 15 mins, talk about your goals, and I'm ???? oh god okay. edit: talked to a caltech phd, it's supposed to be chill, so we should both relax some
  14. Inorganic! I don't know what these 10 mins will show....lol
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