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Posts posted by Fernandez

  1. Holla Comrades!


    I'm a international student and was recently offered an admission into these three great programs in public health. They differ slightly into their concentrations but I don't have any particular interest so far (I don't even remember what I picked haha), if anything I would prefer more broad education (e.g., UCLA offers that). Financial consideration is not a major concern since it will cost about the same more or less and I'm frugal :)

    Personally, don't want Michigan. Location/community life - don't care much, East or West is fine.

    I mostly can't decide between Berkeley and UNC. As judged by ranking, UNC MPH stands higher (actually very high, only JH is "better" pero I was not accepted there) but UCLA/Berkeley is the brand name that is hard to ignore. What are your thoughts?

    Would you choose B or U? Don't want M.






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