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Posts posted by nikktea

  1. My academic history is a little bit insane. 

    I started off strong at one university (that I historically have done extremely well at), transferred to another university and thats where shit hit the fan. At the new university, I got addicted to xanax and overdosed mid semester. I got clean, and transferred back to my old university where I have been academically thriving. I have an overall GPA of 3.8, I am on the President's list for academic excellence and I am in two honors societies. As it seems, I have a 4.0 semester GPA, which means I will be graduating summa cum laude.

    Regardless, the university where I crashed and burned...oh my god. It's so bad. My overall GPA was a 2.8, I have a million W's, and finally...a Q. I received the Q because I took an exam when I was extremely high and I had my phone face up on my desk. It kept lighting up because I was receiving text messages and the proctor threw me out and put in a claim of academic dishonesty. I tried to fight it, but I overdosed literally the day after from stress and withdrew from the school entirely. 

    Now, on that transcript from that university, I have a Q (indicating academic dishonesty). I have no idea what to do. Should I even bother applying? Should I put on my application what happened? Advice/experience? 

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