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Everything posted by chemicalbiology

  1. no, website says decisions are sent out late january/early february
  2. Harvard Chemical Biology - interview invite Jan 5, email!
  3. UCSF Chemistry and Chemical Biology - interview invite Dec 9, email Berkeley Molecular and Cell Bio (will apply chem bio track)- call from PI Dec 16 (official invite send in Jan) Stanford Chemical and Systems Bio - interview invite Dec 21, email Princeton Molecular Bio- interview invite Dec 22, call
  4. @greymouse The PI who called me said that official invitation emails wont be sent out for another 2 or so weeks, but that he/she wanted to let me know early
  5. Who is the PI @sarscov3? I got a call today too!
  6. Undergrad Institution: HYPSMMajor(s): Molecular BioMinor(s): GPA in Major: 3.9Overall GPA: 3.9Position in Class:Type of Student: Domestic GRE Score: N/A Research Experience: 3 years in HS, 3 years in college, summer at startup with FDA-approved tech Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Multiple university awards, senior thesis award, $1mln grant for lab, project lead Pertinent Activities/Jobs: ^^ Special Bonus Points: 3 published papers as coauthor, 2 manuscripts, 4 international conference posters, project lead in pre-eminent lab in chembio, FGLI LORs: 2 PIs (one expected to win Nobel), 2 professors Applying Where: Berkeley (MCB and Chem Bio Program) MIT (Bioengineering) Stanford (Chemical and Systems Bio) UCSF (Chemistry and Chemical Biology) Harvard (Chemical Bio) Princeton (Molecular Bio) Oxford (Chemical Bio) Got an interview at UCSF last week!
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