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Everything posted by maplelatte

  1. No clue! I got the call yesterday.
  2. I was called by one of the profs that interviewed me, and I did list them as a POI on the application. Not sure if that was by chance or by design?
  3. I’m not sure if anyone in organic has heard back from MIT yet. I remember asking about timeline and they said they still had interviews at the end of the month, so they wouldn’t release any decisions until after they finished with everyone.
  4. Did you manage to get the dates of those visits? I forgot to ask before I hung up...
  5. They said they're getting the committee back together towards the end of this week and that we'd hear shortly after that. So early next week?
  6. I heard from Scripps La Jolla yesterday, super early in the morning. It was an automated message to check my application page.
  7. Pretty sure they'd never make you do that haha. PM'ing you!
  8. Some hard follow-up questions regarding research! I might be overthinking it, but it was a bit more stressful than my last interview.
  9. Did anyone have their MIT interview today? I feel like I'm still sweating...
  10. @VenomMan35 I applied to Berkeley on 11/3 and UCLA on 11/17, but my recommenders didn't get their letters in til much closer to the deadline. Re: nomination letters, I think they're talking about how you can be nominated/recommended for admission by adcom or a prof, but you aren't truly admitted until you get the official acceptance letter.
  11. Didn't apply to UCSD, haven't heard back from Berkeley (though I'm pretty sure others in organic have), and I heard from UCLA pretty soon after the deadline, like ~2 weeks.
  12. I got an interview last night, but maybe they'll do it in two groups?
  13. Yeah, just saw; and agree. Stipend is definitely more than any other offer I've gotten, especially considering great location and relatively lower cost of living for a major city.
  14. I had mine today (organic)! Really simple questions (this is what I remember): 1. Talk about a time in your research where you had an exciting result/something you were proud of. 2. Talk about a challenging time and what you did. 3/4. Why do you want a PhD and what drives you to get one? Good luck tomorrow! They were quite nice. They did ask a couple follow up questions regarding my research, but I wasn't being grilled by any means.
  15. Yes! I'm having the same issue with the portal. Maybe it gets resolved in the morning?
  16. I'm in the same boat (only unofficial)–– glad to know they haven't sent official offers at all, I was starting to wonder.
  17. Yeah seems short...not entirely sure how I can wow them in 10 measly minutes (kidding of course lol), maybe they've offered a lot of interviews this year?
  18. I'm organic, I got an email invite for Caltech interviews today.
  19. Ha, I'll totally take a smaller applicant pool. Thanks!
  20. I applied! How do you know fewer students applied? Or is that just a general feel?
  21. Same boat (and same as poster above) but here in solidarity!
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