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Basicbrology's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Yes it was a reply for you. Just PMed you to make it easier
  2. I applied to a lot of the same programs as you! I’m also interviewing at Pitt. When’s your Pitt interview?
  3. Yep, got the same message.
  4. Hey, If you don’t mind me asking, what did the UMass interview invite say? I’m wondering if it’s a disadvantage that I’m a non-trad. Are you applying directly out of college? Thank you
  5. It means a school wants to learn more about you, and are considering you for a seat in their program. To my knowledge, the only way to get into a PhD program is to apply and then attend interviews when you’re invited. I hope this answers your question. Also, check your spam box regularly so that you don’t miss any updates for interviews.
  6. Hey folks, Here’s my profile - lmk if you have any questions. I’m a non-traditional student, I was pre-med/pre-health but shifted to pursue research after Masters. I applied for PhD programs at schools with strong cancer therapeutics research. Undergrad: 3.37 GPA, attended community college and transferred to tiny liberal arts college, lots of volunteering/teaching but not a ton of research Masters: 3.81 GPA, dedicated full time research for thesis completed at well-known research institution Research Experience: research in grad school (full time viral oncology wet lab research for thesis, and part time cardio dry lab research), 2.5 years in biotech working in discovery for gene therapy and cancer therapeutics. Almost 5 years of full time research experience. Pubs: 1 middle-author in textbook chapter, middle-author in abstract Other Notes: Three letters - one from Master thesis Advisor/head of dept, one from former research supervisor at biotech, dept director at current company. Schools - 14 total: Icahn BMS, GSK, UPenn CAMB, Uchicago Biosciences, MD Anderson, Duke MCB, Case Western Lerner Molecular Medicine, NIH-OxCam, UCSF BMS, UCSD BMS, Harvard BBS, UMass Med Cancer Bio PhD, Pitt Microbiology/Immunology, UW-Fred Hutch MCB Interviews+Date: Pitt (applied 11/30, II on 12/3, scheduled 1/21) Acceptances: Rejections:
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