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Everything posted by A.M

  1. Did you accepted to CU boulder emerging media arts program (critical media) or media studies?
  2. Hi guys, American and internationals. I have a request from those who got accepted into their dream schools. Would you please share your statement of purpose with me? I need some help to improve my SOP and I would love to see yours as an example. I couldn't get accepted to my top choices even one. Therefore, I have to try harder for the 2023 . I would be appreciated it if you send me your SOP by email or send me here. Your help and attention would be highly appreciated.
  3. Hello. Has anyone received any updates from UT Dallas (communication) and CU boulder (emerging media arts PhD) Any interviews or updates from these universities?
  4. Is anyone had an interview for CU Boulder media art practice or UT dallas? Received rejection from Michigan state and Ohio. So sadddd. Sadness for shity life. No offer so far. very sad and hopeless.
  5. Thanks. Hope to get the positive answer soon. Did you have an interview for TTU?
  6. Has anyone received any update from UT Dallas, UTT (Texas tech), or Media Art Practices from Boulder.? I am on the waitlist in UTT. Is there anyone who got accepted at TTU and declined the offer? Any interviews for UT Dallas or media art at boulder?
  7. Hi Guys. Has anyone received any update from Emergent Technologies and Media Arts Practices (ETMAP) practice at CU boulder for an interview? What about Texas tech or UT Dallas programs? Has anyone applied to these programs/.?
  8. Where did you got your master? MSU ? did you study communication and media? Did they say anything about the fund in the acceptance email?
  9. Oh. Great. Any prior contact with Professors. My interest also is VR design and VR in communication. Which Prof. were you in contact with? Ratan? Tell me about your C.V.? It was strong? What do you think was the most important factor in your acceptance?
  10. Great. congratulations. Did you have an interview with faculty or director? Are you American or international? What was your research interest?
  11. Hi Guys. Hope all of you are doing well. congratulations to Henry for first acceptance. In the results page some people mentioned that they got a offer from MSU media - information program. Is there anyone here who got acceptance or rejection from MSU?
  12. Great People here. Margolia, Henry and purplepineapple. I hope all of you get what you want and all of you get acceptance with funding from your top choices. . Let's wait and hope for the best.
  13. Some people notified that they had a Zoom interview for MSU media and Information. If anyone had an interview, please inform us about the interview, questions, and the people who interviewed you. What were your research interests etc? Your answer would be highly appreciated.
  14. Thank you for your soothing and kind words. You are right about applications. But a little bit of stress is normal as it took me a lot of time to apply for some program regarding my problems. There are some notifications on the results page. Some people notified that they had an interview with the MSU media program. I didn't receive an invitation for an interview. I guess my first rejection coming out very soon from MSU as I didn't invited for an interview. Did you have an interview for MSU?
  15. Hi. Did you applied for Emerging media? If yes please let me know about your resume? Are you American or international? Do they have any interview? Did you have any contact with Professors? I hear that they choose very strong candidates with artistic and fine art backgrounds. The coordinator told me that they have only choose 5 candidate each year. The program is one of my top lists, but I had a mistake in my SOP and didn't write it very well. I have taken look at the records of current doctoral students. Most of them are either American or have studied at American universities and living there for sometime. I don't think there is a chance for international students outside of US. Many of the opportunities that Americans have for performing art and digital creativity are not outside of the United States. This competition is unfair and unequal in my opinion. And most American universities do not consider this, especially for those who have studied abroad and are considered international students. I'm talking more about artistic and digital media and communication disciplines ,digital and artistic creations such as digital art, artistic creatives, animation, documentaries, and ... I should have mentioned this in my SOP, but I forgot. I have a lot of problems in my country and I even had trouble paying the application fee because we are under sanctions and I did it with difficulty and I worked hard for hours to apply. But most American universities compare international students to American students themselves, and this comparison is wrong. I have not received rejections so far, but I believe that this competition is unfair, especially for me and where I live. I hope some universities and their admission committee will consider this for some international students who came from a place with many shity problems
  16. Hi again. I am very stressed. Anyone received any update for interview or result from MSU, media and information PhD program? What about CU boulder.?
  17. Did you get your master in Brazil or U.S? Any prior contacts with professors? Did you get any positive answers from professors at these schools?
  18. I hope you will get admitted to your first choice
  19. Yes. But I think is hard to get in. Because all of them are competitive and admitted only few people. Other programs didn't fit with my interests and we have to be realistic about our choices. Since we are not American, so we have to choose the schools which there is more chance for International students. Most of good universities, firstly, accept fewer students, and secondly, they are more selective among American students or those who studied in the United States. In most cases, students who studied outside the United States will either be rejected or offered another master's degree if they apply for a doctorate at a good university.
  20. What is your top choice? I hope you are accepted into your favorite program. This is my first choice. But I guess is hard to be admit considering that many American also applying for the program and there is less chance for international students. Do you know how many students will be admitted each year?
  21. Did you have any contact with Professors before applying?
  22. Oh great. Thanks for your answer. Did you hear anything from the school? Interview or rejections? Are you an international or American?
  23. Dear Friends. Hope you are doing well. Is there anyone here who applied for the PhD program in Media and information at MSU. How about CU boulder ATLAS PhD program or emergent media at department of critical media? Media and communication at Texas tech or emerging communication at UT Dallas?
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