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  1. For those waiting on second round offers check your ACORN!
  2. Thank you! Here are my stats: CGPA: 3.74 / L2 GPA: 3.9 I have been involved in extra curriculars on campus for the past two years, and this year I was in a leadership position. In terms of experience, over the summer I had a federal internship in a constituency office. I also worked on an MP's campaign for the 2021 federal election.
  3. All those waiting on UofT MPP acceptance check your ACORN account's again. My account shows that I have been invited to the 2022-2023 session!
  4. I have seen people posting about first round offers from Ryerson, UofT, Queens, and Waterloo. Don't count yourself out yet because second rounds are still on the way. Good luck!
  5. Okay interesting. I think they sent out their first round offers March 17th-18th so I'm assuming they are reviewing again for second round offers. Hopefully we will hear back soon about that.
  6. When did you email them about MPP?
  7. Heads up to everyone, a mutual of mine recieved an email offering them admission to Munk's MPP. So they have begun to send out offers.
  8. Congrats! Are you an international student or domestic? Has your application status changed on the SGS page at all?
  9. Someone in the MPP/MPA Canada 2022 thread said that they saw on Acorn that they have been admitted to the UofT MPP program. Wondering if that was true for anyone else here?
  10. Anyone heard back from Queen's on funding yet? In the acceptance email it said they would send out funding packages on or before March 15th.
  11. I applied to Munk as well, my app status still says 'submitted'. I applied in the beginning of January. However, minutes before I was admitted into Queen's my application status still said 'submitted'. So my guess is that they won't update it before first round offers.
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