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Posts posted by Contra_20XX

  1. Hey everyone! I am writing here because I would like some advice! Last May I completed my B.S. in Electrical Engineering and I would like to advance my education and earn my Master's Degree. I want to pursue a M.S. in Engineering Management. Out of undergrad my cumulative GPA was 2.993.

    Most grad school programs have a requirement that applicants' GPA's be greater than or equal to 3.0. My GPA falls just below that mark. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many grad school programs are deciding to waive the requirement of taking the GRE. Since my GPA is slightly below the threshold, I have been told that taking the GRE and scoring well on it would help my application to appear more valuable and competitive to schools.

    Basically I would like advice with determining if taking the GRE would be worth my time. I have heard some schools may round my GPA up & count it as 3.0 and I have been speaking to some admissions counselors about this.

    I have spoked to my IRL friends about my predicament and each person said different things. Some said take the GRE and others said don't. I'm just here looking for more advice. Any info helps & thank you. :)

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