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Everything posted by shabu2011
Anyone else heard from Royal College of Art!? I GOT IN?!!? I'm legitimately shocked because I really wasn't sure how the interview went. They had a lot of "concerns" about my work, which I defended. Normally I would have been much more non-confrontational and respectful, but somehow because I was baffled by their concern, and perhaps because I had already found out I got into Cranbrook, I was very forthright and assertive. As a result, they could have taken me as 1) being refreshingly impressive or 2) a thoroughly arrogant bastard. Anyhow, it's strange, all so strange. I just wanted to share my experience and feel free to chime in on anything that caught your attention.
hahaahah, although her rants seem like part of her performances, it's still insightful, thanks for sharing.
cran-BROOK! clap! clap! clap! cran-BROOK! clap! clap! clap! lol @designr hope you hear back soon!
hahahaha yeah I TOOOTAALLYYY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT - that 10% is way KILLER! Way more significant than people who are not going through the process can imagine. If it's any consolation, AFTER you wait it all out and eventually go with your gut choice and make a commitment, it's the most liberating and affirming experience, EVER! Trust me.
They totally did, April 1st! haha
Yeah, Astoria is nice, I have friends that commute from there as well. Hm, to me if your goal is teaching, I wonder if you'd have more chance to TA at RIT. But more importantly, correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the Parson DT methodology more focused on self-authored artistic discipline - using technology, as in most people want to pursue careers in new media art/industry and less design firms/advertising? I can still see how from what you described in your practice where you'd want to push the boundaries in medium and interactivity within design would still be an unique asset to pursue in DT, but I would imagine the climate of the program would be focusing on very different questions than maybe what you mentioned as what you'd like to teach in the future - "traditional print design". Please hear me, I'm not making a judgement call, I think they are both great programs, I'm just basing my opinion on what you mentioned as your future aspirations. GL!
designr, didn't you mix up the location of these programs? Anyhow, yeah manhattan is expensive!! It's also perfectly legit (and cool) to live in brooklyn But otherwise, it seems to be two pretty different programs, in terms of where it might lead you and the type of discourse, I think that'll ultimately help you decide. Feel free to share what niche/industry i.e design firm or new media artist you'd like to see yourself and maybe that'll help yourself and others reach a decision.
Great, best of luck with your final decision!
Decided on Cranbrook! (I had to accepted offer before RCA gets back to me)
hahahah love your footnote helec "deciding is much worse" so true!!!! I'm have been needlessly torturing myself as well. Personally, after all the interviews I felt the most at home at Cranbrook, but I'm just torturing myself by rationalizing what my gut has already decided on. @Joonam - That's a good point, and I'm glad that it is important for you. @Helec - Here are my thoughts on your list, food for thought: The combination of 3 years and summers does seems significant - what do you intend to do in that time, have more studio time? It seems to me the summer time off is an important time to either rest or to go out and explore other opportunities like residencies simply because when school is in session it is so intense! One thing I was surprise to find out when I went there for the interviews was that even though there weren't classes was that there still is a busy schedule and everyone way surprisingly very productive! However, if you are really looking for assignments, then your point on classes is well taken - Cranbrook is intense, but you are responsible for what you come up with. I think the discourse and group crits are indeed what makes Cranbrook valuable and what will push you, in those two years. I think you'll have to weigh and see if you will be producing better work with that extra time and better facilities. The one factor there is no getting around is the teaching experience, as Joonam mentioned, and you simply have to decide how important that is to you. I hope that helps, feel free to respond.
seriously, I've been mulling over pros and cons for Cranbrook for the past week. Besides amazing community and intense program, I'm weighing it over global reputation, larger student body = larger network and city size/cultural activities. I'm running out to get some food, but will be back fore more discussion soon.
Yeah Royal college of art communication art and design program in London. There is also central saint martins and a few other good programs in the uk.
hi Paint! sure! I'm actually still around London, and generally it is very hard to visit the campus. I had come before and the security is really tight if you don't have a reason to be there. Just fyi in case you do ever try coming visiting. Lucky for you the painting dept moved into a brand spanking new building/campus in Battersea. The con is that you are isolated from the rest of the main campus, but I've heard that it is nice and I would frankly be jealous. I talked with some of the current students in design and it seems like it is really cramped, the program is relatively large for graduates studies and getting larger every year! I can't tell you how private the painting studios are because I haven't visited the other campus but just because you asked, I'll try finding out. I would actually like to go see it for myself but I have no access to that campus. For the main campus I do have one friend now, so I can go there and ask around. My suggestion would be if you ever come visit, contact a student to let you in! I'll elaborate more to your post when I find out more. cheers, Shabu
Would you be so kind as to share the 2012 MFA graphic design rankings pleasethankyougoodbye.
If you or anyone wants my honest opinion on Pratt CommD MFA, message me. Although I didn't go through their graduate program, I got my BFA CommD there.
@negative: Sorry, It wasn't meant to be a cheap shot. I wouldn't be applying there if I wouldn't consider going there. I am earnestly asking the question, it is more a comment on what is represented online because rarely it is indicative of recent or the totality of what is going on. So I was curious if anyone had better insight. Cheers.
Fyi, I received waitlist notification through email Risd graphic 2 yr this morning - a week after interviews.
All I know is that the three London school's I've heard most about are Royal College of Art, Goldsmiths and Central Saint Martins. Goldsmiths has a good media studies program and that trickles down to cross-disciplinary involvement with the creative programs. They are very reputable and have really nice studios for the fine art department. I'm sure you guys are aware of the notable alumni that have come from the program and the YBA era. RCA is a wholly graduate school and seems to have a strong emphasis on research and had the first curatorial program. St. Martin's seems to me known for the fashion, I'd think it would be a Parson's equivalent. That's all I got. I only applied to RCA because out of the three, I think their graphic design program is strongest but I know most of you are considering their fine art program.
Hey Everyone, I'm about to head to Royal College of Art next week for interviews, Comm. Design and I just wanted to start a thread to see if anyone else is going. I've been a little intimidated about the British system interview process. I've gone through two US school interviews and they both were fine. I read somewhere that RCA's interview are less Q&A and more about you giving a speech. Although I did get one PM from an applicant last year, here is his response: Anyways, I'm keen to know if anyone else is flying over for interviews, or have thoughts about their program etc.
thanks. yeah, pretty much. Are you waiting to hear from them?
Cool, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the work that is going on there.
yes, they 2D program.
MFA Graphic Design Cranbrook - Interview 3/11 RISD - Interview 3/7 Royal College of Art - Interview 3/22 Yale - Rejected via website 2/24
Why do you think RISD's GD program is so reputable, I wonder if Maeda has had any contribution to the program yet. Looking at the past thesis shows, it all looks like mediocre print work. Any know of what the current work is like there?
MFA Graphic Design RISD - Interview 3/7 Cranbrook - Interview 3/11 Royal College of Art - Interview 3/22 Yale - Rejected via website