Program Applied To (MPA, MPP, IR, etc.): IR Schools Applied To: Johns Hopkins SAIS (MAIR), GW Elliot (IA), Denver Korbel (GES), American SIS (IAPA), Yale Jackson (MPP), Georgetown SFS (MSFS), Syracuse Maxwell (MAIR/MPA) Schools Admitted To: Johns Hopkins SAIS, GW Elliot, Denver Korbel Schools Rejected From: Still Waiting: American SIS, Yale Jackson, Georgetown SFS, Syracuse Maxwell Undergraduate Institution: Large state school Undergraduate GPA: 3.9 Undergraduate Major: International Relations GRE Quantitative/Verbal/AW Scores: n/a Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 3.5 Years of Work Experience: 3.5 (full-time) Describe Relevant Work Experience:
Undergraduate: Summer internship in local government, research assistant, writing tutor
Post-graduation: 2 years in local government/AmeriCorps, 1+ years teaching internationally
Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): I think it is fairly strong. About 1/3 of the statement was tailored to each application (more for applications that allowed longer SOPs). I recieved feedback from my recommenders, a family friend who is a university professor, and trusted friends and family. I worked on it for about five months before I submitted my first application. Strength of LOR's (be honest, describe the process, etc): I waived my right to read my letters. For most applications, I provided three references (two former professors) and a former supervisor. Other:
Language: Intermediate-Advanced Hebrew, Intermediate Russian, very basic Mandarin
Techincal/Quantitative: GIS minor, 1 class in R, 3 classes in economics