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Posts posted by wmd222

  1. 5 hours ago, MiddleAges said:

    I have a question. Does the program actually send out rejections once the program is full? Or is there a chance that I will  never get a response from them?

    I'm trying to decide what my personal cut-off date would be for accepting a decision. If I don't hear from them by the end of May or end of June, is it safe to assume that I will not be accepted? If I get in, we'll have to find a place to live, figure out if my spouse is coming with me, what to do about my kids' university studies and where they will live if I move, rent or sell my house, etc... It's a lot and I don't know if I can handle it without a reasonable amount of time to plan.  

    !I'm not entirely sure if they send out rejection letters but in your situation, I would recommend contacting NPSIA graduate admissions and see if they have any answers. I think you have a valid reason to have an answer sooner than later. Best of luck!! :)

  2. 50 minutes ago, Cake4Life said:

    Still under preliminary review required ? Should I email them or is it too early still?


    I applied for DFP as first choice.........could it be because one of my references is non-academic? (it was my manger and she highlighted my research abilities)

    There's still hope!! I think it doesn't matter is one of them isn't academic as long as they provide a good indicator of how you are as a learner and researcher. However, it may also depend on the workplace and if it is relevant to graduate studies. :)

  3. 6 hours ago, bobu said:

    I have a quick question to those who applied and got in! (even to those who didn't yet) Did all of you have micro and macro economics while applying? I don't have those two courses but I do have a good grade in International Political Economy. I'm just curious if that's going to be the reason I may or may not get into the MA program.

    P.S; I already have an acceptance from UOttawa for a different MA Program but I'm just curious!

    I'm taking both economics classes right now. If you are to be accepted, you are placed on a conditional offer until completing both classes with a B- (70%). It says on Carleton Central we have to complete it by Oct 8. 2022.

  4. 20 minutes ago, TBD123_ said:

    Hi everyone, quick question, and this might not be the place for it, so if it isn't just ignore or admin can take it down, no hard feelings! But I've been accepted to GSPIA and NPSIA and I'm struggling with my decision (I know this has been discussed 100x over) but someone might have an answer for me.

    I took open studies at GSPIA last semester and it just felt like a continuation of undergrad, purely academic, nothing was different (granted I only took two classes, a mandatory one, and a special topics, so maybe not the best sense). However, NPSIA is known to be a feeder school for the public sector, specifically GAC. My dilemma is that I'm one of the odd few who wants to go into the private sector as a consultant and not do GAC.

    Which school would be most appropriate in your guys opinion? I have 4 days to figure it out. Oops.

    Thanks in advance, also, for anyone waiting, there's still lots of time. Additionally, last year I got rejected from NPSIA, and I just want to say that if anyone finds themselves in that position after this year and knows this is what they want, don't doubt yourself and give up! You all seem incredibly smart :)

    I know most people depend their decision on funding but from the likes of what you said so far, if NPSIA has been your goal since last year, maybe this time around it's meant to be? Especially if you didn't find GSPIA that rewarding during your open studies. Although NPSIA does feed lots of GAC jobs,  it's not the end all be all. If you do the coop program you might even land a private sector position. I truly believe if you make the right connections, you'll land where you wanna be regardless of which school you end up! We are all in Ottawa anyways. Best of luck on your decision :) 

  5. 21 hours ago, S. Cerin said:

    Hey, congrats on the offer, quick question : how did your application progress? I'm on recommended for assessment. I have already been accepted to GSPIA but waiting it out for NPISA.

    Thanks so much!

    Submitted my application end of Jan, kinda late than most. Preliminary review for a week, moved to review by department for 2ish weeks, recommended for assessment a bit over a week, back to review by department for a few days, and then review by faculty & post-doc. Acceptance 24 hours later. :) Any more questions just let me know!

  6. 4 hours ago, nck5150 said:

    Great to know! Because from what I’ve read here, so many of those that got accepted have impressive professional resumes and relevant work experience which sadly I don’t have. The only I have going for me is my academics and I fear it might not be enough. But I guess I’ll know sometime soon-ish. 

    Don't feel discourage!! My academics aren't the greatest, average at most. I think those who have impressive experiences may be a small % which is why they send those acceptances quickly. 

  7. 22 hours ago, ah_097 said:

    I found the program to be excellent, especially if you are looking to become employed in the government. NPSIA is unlike some other options in that it is a professional school, meaning that many of the assignments seek to be practical in nature (i.e. write a briefing note, do a group presentation, etc.) as opposed to theoretical. All of the professors I encountered were really passionate about their area of expertise, and were pretty informal with classes and really wanted to have conversations. Course enrolment can be a bit of a hassle, as many of the most popular courses are already gone by the time registration opens up for first-years. All of the IIA courses were full; however, I submitted a course registration override request in Carleton Central immediately and got into all my classes eventually.

    The required statistics course was much easier than it has been in previous years (read: no more coding or learning complicated software). It's all about how to perform basic statistical analysis in Excel. The other required courses (law and public policy) were great too. Both of these courses rely on a 100% final exam, but they're not too difficult if you paid some attention to the recordings. I actually found the law exam to be fun. Both a pass/fail - no grade.

    I did NPSIA during COVID, so I didn't really get to experience much of the student life. However, everyone was great about putting together study sessions online and supporting each other though the program. The level of collaboration and genuine wanting everyone to succeed was something I just didn't experience in undergrad.

    Thank you for this insight!! :) Follow-up question: Did you find it difficult to socialize within your specialization? Or is it small enough to know most people? 

  8. 49 minutes ago, Cake4Life said:

    My professors in political science that taught me really well either left the university or didn't respond to my email :( or even LinkedIn. 

    Aw that's okay, I attended the info session and they mentioned that they look heavily into merit and what you have accomplished. I think as long as you shine in those areas you'll be good!! Sending you good vibes and much love!! :) 

  9. 3 hours ago, Cake4Life said:

    Still waiting to hear back hopefully it's soon! I am little nervous about my application to be honest, I don't feel like I provided strong references :(

    Oh no!! I'm sure they are still strong!! How come if you don't mind me asking? I used two of my professors I had a close relationship with. One who I worked on organizing a conference and the second I've taken all their classes. I also added a third one for luck lol.

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