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  1. Hey Dondi, I will be at Union too! We should meet up. Are you from the NY area? I am in Vermont. I am going to move to NY next month to get settled and everything.
  2. I have decided on Union. Anyone else going there? Also, I decided against asking VU why I didn't get it. Union aligns more with my interests.
  3. Anyone asked a school why they were rejected or how they could of improved their application? I want to, but not if people dont do this.
  4. Thanks for the responses I was thinking about why and how I could have done better. I did get into other schools, but this one is what I would, and probably everyone else would, consider as easier to get into. I tailored my essays very distinctly to each school to align with them. This one especially. I'd just like to know if anyone has ever asked in the past and how that went.
  5. As the application/admissions season comes to a close I have two questions 1. Can you ask a school why they rejected you? I got into two programs I thought I had >20% shot at, but one I thought was more like 50% rejected me. Why?? 2. Do I need to thank recommenders again? One retired this year so I never see them. Should I reach out? Let any and all recommenders know the results.
  6. ok. You had posted that you had not received an invitation and never updated that you did, so I was confused. Congrats!
  7. When were you interviewed? You received an invitation later than everyone else that got one?
  8. I must be confused about Friendship House. Isn't the point to room with someone? Also, any housing options for cheap connected with VU for you and a partner that doesn't attend?
  9. I agree with that it displays a lack of interest and that it won't matter that much. Also, I think like carmelears said it probably helps your application doesn't hurt. I can't even handle the hds, nd, and yds stress right now, hahahahahahahamwuahhaha. I'm losing it. I think yds always releases on the 15th, can anyone correct that? Speaking of nd anyone heard from them?
  10. I think the response was a form letter. I'm imagine dozens have asked. Overall, it reads as a form letter, but the line "for the next few weeks" is what really sounds generic. Few means three or more. We don't have 3 more weeks before march 15. Personally I am betting on them releasing decisions on the 11th or 14th, complete conjecture though. However, if my speculation is accurate that would mean 1 week for invitations and to complete the interview. You just can't expect people to be available on a whim for an interview. Other schools have offered two weeks for interviews. Anyone that has interviewed: did you see how far out the calendar went?
  11. I checked the fafsa website to see if their is an efc like they have for undergrad but don't see that option this year. Did they take it away, is it not offered for grad programs, am I missing it? I know I won't get the max because I won't qualify, which for Duke is what I'd need, but I'd still like an estimate.
  12. Where all have you heard from if you don't mind me asking? Where and why did you decline?
  13. nope. Nor has anyone else I know that applied, including interviewees.
  14. They don't, but they do have applicants submit the fafsa.
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