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Everything posted by hnb

  1. Hi all, I am an international student (from Europe). I have applied for M.S In Computer Science and after a long wait I am now in the difficult but very happy situation where I can choose between: 1) Stanford University: I like the west-coast, life is probably cheaper and perhaps it has a better reputation than choice 2? They have nice courses, however regarding my main interest there are not that much. They do ahve other courses in the field of AI but not in the specialization I am interested in. 2) Columbia University: Ivy League, does that match up against Stanfords reputation? NY is probably a great city, but also rather expensive? The courses really match my interests lot of Machine Learning and CV (see below) courses. In addition it is perhaps good to know that I am interested in Artificial Intelligence, and especially Computer Vision and Machine Learning. Furthermore I will most likely pursue I a research career in the professional sector as opposed to the academical. (However things can change of course).. Any tips or ideas? hnb
  2. I received an acceptance letter from Stanford (MS. in CS specialization in AI) , and I guess (hope I will be selected for Columbia University. Since I might not have a lot of time to choose between the two (since 15th april is coming closer and closer), I already started thinking about the choice.. What do you guys think is a nicer place to live? NYC or Stanford? And what about the campus and living costs? I'm not from the US, so perhaps you have some clear ideas about this? hnb
  3. What do you think, I still have to hear from Columbia, UCLA and Stanford. Should I mail them, or will it influence my chances for getting onto waitlists or otherwise? hnb
  4. That sux.. The website still says Pending, though.. I'm too afraid to email them One thing seems strange though, on both Yuster and this site not a lot of rejections and accepts have been posted (compared to other uni's). Seems a bit strange with the remark that if youve heard nothing in Feb, its going to get tough.. btw. would you think MS or PhD has better chances? i applied for MS
  5. Indeed strange, I submitted mine somewhere in December.
  6. Sadly I was rejected. After my request for some elucidation I received a response saying that there were 2500 applicants for 100 places. Indeed quite competitive.. Furthermore M.S. is even harder to get in since their main aim is research. So mainly PhD students get selected.. Hope this is a comforting thought for those who got rejected
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