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Posts posted by Greenbeans19

  1. I'm in the same boat as  you Green Saint--- I'd be happy with this other school I got accepted to, but Colorado is just so alluring!! I'm waitlisted for now. In some ways, I'd rather just know even it means a rejection! The anticipation is killing me!!

  2. I was waitlisted at Colorado State. Fortunately, I have been accepted to other programs with funding. Unfortunately, Colorado was/is one of my top choices. In my mind I'm already preparing to go to one of these other schools, but if I am pleasantly surprised with an acceptance I will just have to make that decision when the time comes! Good luck to you--I know the waiting SUCKS!

  3. So I found out a couple weeks ago that I got into a certain sociology PhD program. I'm very excited! However, there is no mention of funding, and funding is an absolute essential for me to go back to school When is it appropriate for me to ask about what type of funding they are offering me? And who should I direct this question to--my department contact or the graduate school itself? I don't want to come off the wrong way, but I am dying to know!!

  4. Good point about getting that "part of the department" feel-- I do feel like I missed out on that while getting my masters because I worked full-time while doing so. Also--I didn't know that some programs don't allow you to have an outside job. I'm just a little stressed out about the idea of making less than half of what I make now, and it's not like I'm living large to begin with. Maybe I will just live in a cardboard box to save money :)

  5. I already have my masters degree in sociology, and after a few years working, I am going back to school to get my PhD in sociology. I was just wondering--how what is the workload for PhD classes compared to masters level courses from your experience? Is it comparable, or is there a lot more reading/writing? I am hoping to get a position as a TA/RA, take a full load of courses, and am worried that financially I may have to get a part-time job somewhere for the weekends so that I can pay my bills. Is this doable when getting a PhD or should I expect that all of my free time needs to be dedicated to keeping up on my coursework? I worked full-time while getting my masters--it was really tough, but doable. I know each program is different, but just wanted to hear some other's experiences/opinions.

  6. I have asked three of my previous professors to provide LORs for me. All three gave me an enthusiastic yes, but the one seems to be dragging his feet. I've sent him reminders when they are due, called hiim the day before to remind him, etc. He said that schools are usually pretty lenient with LOR being in by the actual due date, so he doesn't seem to be in too much of a rush to meet my deadlines. It's been an issue with the first 3 of 10 schools I am applying to, and I have a feeling it's going to come down to my begging him to send it in each time! So this is my question-- is he right? Am I stressing for no reason? All of my other materials are in except his LOR, will they still review my application or will this be held against me? I can't control others actions, and this is making an already stressful process even more stressful!!

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