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  1. I dont know about Queens exactly, but most schools seem to be a minimum B+ average in the last 2 years of study. However, it should say on the Queens website what the average is, or on an offer of admission
  2. Thanks! I totally understand, I'm sure you'll hear from them soon but the waiting game sure sucks haha
  3. I'm wishing you the best of luck! I am guessing they're probably still sending out decisions, I was offered acceptance on March 22nd and I believe that was the first round. I asked them for an extension in early April. They couldn't give me an extension longer than a few days because they were still sending out other rounds of offers and it was very competitive so I accepted on the 6th of April. I am assuming they're still sending out offers because I had an extension to accept until April 10th (like I said, I believe I was in the first round and I think they do 3). You have to put down a deposit in June, so I am guessing that offers stop in early June so there's still time! I hope that this bit of info helps, I was really anxious waiting so I totally get how you feel. Crossing my fingers for you and let me know if you hear back!
  4. Are you a full time or a part time applicant for X?
  5. I heard from Ryerson on April 22nd with an offer of admission with funding, and I accepted it. However, I do know that they are still doing more rounds of acceptance so don't lose hope yet! Good luck
  6. For anyone still waiting on a Uvic decision, I emailed them earlier this week and they got back to me today. I was told that they are making their final decisions and sending them out sometime next week. However, I decided to accept my offer of admission to X university due to the opportunity and the deadline to accept
  7. Thank you so much for taking the time to outline that for me, it is really great to have some information from inside of the program. I think Uvic would be the best choice for me, I don't think I want to work with the federal government as much as the provincial, which is why I turned down my Carleton offer. I also am from the Island, so moving to Victoria would be a lot easier for me than moving across the country to Toronto. I personally liked the idea of the thesis aspect which is another reason why I applied to X and Uvic, but I personally love the idea of independent research. The small class sizes at Uvic are also a pro, as you mentioned! Thank you again for all of the info, I still haven't heard back from Uvic and I sent the admissions team an email this morning. Congrats on Carleton, I really hope that goes well for you!
  8. Can anyone provide any pros and cons of Ryerson's MPPA and Uvic's MPA? I have done a lot of research and am leaning towards Ryerson, however I am from Vancouver Island so a move to Uvic would be much more convenient than a move to Toronto! However, moving to Toronto is quite appealing. Any advice is very welcome!
  9. Thank you! I applied for on campus, how about you? I have heard they've begun to send out admissions on Tuesday, but I guess they're staggered. I have to accept or decline Ryerson by April second so I'm cutting it close!
  10. Wow, congratulations! I am waiting for an offer from UVIC, they're my top choice school and I am from the island, so hopefully I will hear soon! I was offered acceptance from Ryerson and Carleton
  11. Congrats! I am still waiting on Uvic too. I was accepted to Carleton and Ryerson, Uvic seems to be late.
  12. Oh wow! That's a long time. I emailed Uvic yesterday and told them I got an offer at Carleton and they told me they're making decisions in the next couple of weeks. So I'm not sure if I leveraged them a bit or maybe they're realizing they're losing students by being so late! And thank you!
  13. Congrats! Me too, I reached out to the Uvic grad admissions and they said they will likely be releasing decisions in the third week of April. I wish they would announce sooner like other schools, because most schools like Carelton have a deadline to apply.
  14. Hmm, I got offered admission as well but I can't seem to find if I have gotten funding or not. Their website is a bit confusing to me. I am still waiting to hear back from Ryerson and Uvic
  15. Congrats! Does your funding show up in your letter?
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