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  1. Hey guys, I'm new here. Applied to 6 schools this year, thus far 5 rejections... Does anyone know if the wording of the rejection letters is any indication to how good the application was? I got quite differently worded ones... E.g. Harvard wrote: "After careful review, I regret to inform you that the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is unable to take favorable action on your application to the Program in Philosophy. The number of promising applicants well exceeded the number of offers of admission we can make for the 2022-2023 academic year. I know that this decision comes as a disappointment. Unfortunately, enrollment of new students is limited to a small fraction of those who are qualified for admission. I want to assure you that your application received full consideration by faculty members in the program to which you applied. We appreciate your interest in the Graduate School and wish you success in your future studies." Whereas Northwestern simply wrote this: "After consultation with the program and after a thorough evaluation of your credentials by The Graduate School, I regret to inform you that you have been denied admission for graduate study at Northwestern University. Because your interest in the University is deeply appreciated, this decision is not easy to convey. Though your plans cannot be accommodated at Northwestern University, the faculty and administrators of The Graduate School respect your intellectual ambition and wish you success in attaining your goal of advanced study." Also: Anyone know if Pittsburgh has a hidden waiting list? I still haven't heard from them but according to the spreadsheet they already sent out rejections... Thanks and best of luck to everyone who's still waiting...
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