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Everything posted by masterofwhat

  1. Turned down Waterloo. Looks better fit for future academics, maybe because it already has a practical undergrad program (not research based) with five coop terms. Going to Queen's because more into their team/ collaborative approach and real-life exposure from field trips and international opportunities. Waterloo good if you prefer doing research and maybe want to be a prof. Bonus of Waterloo research machine is cheaper tuition and higher funding. Programs aimed at creating working planners instead of researchers are considered professional programs so they cost more and fund less. Also the planning building and setting at Waterloo looks great.
  2. Congratulations!!! Glad to know at least one person got an offer there:)
  3. still nope TreePrince reported Acorn invite
  4. Probably yes after a few more days of nail-biting. I like the cohesiveness of the program and Kingston is a great lakeside town
  5. Noticed you're applying everywhere but Queen's. Any reservations abt their program? Wondering bec I have an offer there.
  6. Did they give dates for orientation week?
  7. Do you know if entire first round of offers have gone out? If so, when is reply deadline and 2nd round? Received offers from Carleton, Dalhousie and Queen's, so maybe should just accept one of those?
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