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Posts posted by wolke

  1. 2 hours ago, mia5 said:

    I believe it is good news! Could you please elaborate more on the change? Is the funding end date different  from the exact one you required in the application form (like a shorter funding period) or is it just ''2023''? My status changed to ''selection made'' a week ago, but the funding dates are just as I wrote in the form, so I am getting worried. :(

    no, my funding period did not change: it is still three years irrespective of what the portal says. if we get the scholarship, funding is guaranteed for one year. for example, if you get a three-year funding, each year the contract is renewed. in my case I mentioned in the application 30.09.2025, and on the portal it is now 30.09.2023. But no worry: from previous forums it is clear that many people get the scholarship without such changes (in the application status and funding end date) in the portal. also many people did not get it though these changes happened to them. good luck! and which country are you from btw?

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