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Everything posted by cupsofcheer

  1. Hi all, I would really like it if anyone can help me out. For everyone who got accepted to u of T epidemiology, once you paid your deposit and uploaded the signed confirmation of admission letter, did you get any follow up emails? I see it received on my sgs portal and have sent my official transcripts but no word on what to do next, do we just wait until june/july to register? I've sent an email a while ago but no response. If anyone has been able to contact people in the office and get an email back, mind sharing the email address?
  2. Has anyone emailed u of t in regards to MPH and got an email back? If you have what email did you use?
  3. Hi all, for everyone going to U of T, Do you get some kind of alert or something once they've seen your official transcripts, signed acceptance and deposit? (btw let me know if there something else I'm missing on this checklist) thank you!
  4. Question about U of Toronto: What are the housing options? Are there dorms for grad students? is it good to be in a dorm?
  5. what specialty if you don't mind me asking?
  6. for anyone waiting on u of a, does your application say under review or pre-screening? Mine is stuck on pre-screening and it's making me anxious.
  7. Hi all, does anyone know what happens if you say yes to Queens MPH and don't end up going, is it paying back a deposit? how much? Waiting on other schools and their decisions and starting to get stressed.
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