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Posts posted by nigar

  1. I am from Iran. I have never been in English-speaking country but I have been studying statistics master in Switzerland since September 2009 (the program is in English). I am applying for computer science program in

    - Top universities : MIT, CMU, Caltech

    - Other: Toronto, Waterloo, EPFL

    I will have two master degrees in 5 months, Statistics master from ETH (GPA:5.41/6.0) and Computer Engineering Master (16.92/20.0) from a top university in Iran.

    Publications: one journal paper is under major revision, 4 local papers


    You can't generalise really. An international student from which country? Having how many years of experience of living/studying in an English-speaking country? Applying to which programme at which university?

    Your Quantitative score is obviously great. You don't really need anyone to confirm this to you. It is the top score.

  2. Hi,

    When practicing Verbal section with PowerPrep software, normally I could not finish all the 30 questions. Because sometimes in the question 24 or 25 I encounter a short reading passage (time about 25:00). I have following options:

    1- To read the reading quickly and only answer the reading questions. Therefore I could not answer 3 or 4 questions.

    2- just answer the reading questions randomly and then answering carefully remaining questions ( about 3 or 4 questions).

    Which option would you suggest?

  3. Thanks for your reply.

    I have just noticed that based on following standard website :


    I can convert my international GPA to four point system. Therefore we have:

    MSc in Amirkabir university in Iran : GPA : 3.72 / 4.0

    BS degree in Amirkabir university in Iran : GPA : 3.17 / 4.0 (and 3.33/4.0 last two years)

    master student in statistic at ETH Zurich university : GPA : 5.5 / 6.0 (in four point scale is not clear yet)

    I think WES is the system which most universities uses for converting international GPA to four point system.

    Now what do you think about my chance to enter top 5 and top 20 universities? (based on converted GPAs and also information posted before)

  4. Hi All,

    I would like to know my chance to be admitted in Phd Program in top universities such as MIT/CMU/stanford/Berkeley. I want to apply for Machine Learning field. My profile:

    1- master student in statistic at ETH Zurich university

    - GPA : about 5.5 up to now

    - TA in one course

    - doing one research seminar

    2- master degree in Artificial Intelligence in Amirkabir university in Iran (top three universities in iran)

    - GPA : 16.92 out of 20

    - TA in three course

    - one journal paper (to be revised in neurocomputing journal)

    - 5 regional conference papers

    3- BS degree in computer engineering in Amirkabir university in Iran (top three universities in iran)

    - GPA : 15.78 out of 20

    - First International ranked Team Rank in Robocup

    - Ranked 170th in ”National Entrance Exam for B.Sc. Program“ among more than 400’000 high school students

    GRE: not yet (expected Q:800 V:350-400)

    TOEFL : 92 at the moment but I want to take it again.

    I could get three strong recommendation and I have a strong SOP. I have a response from a CMU professor that told me "I encourage you warmly to apply".

    Because I have both statistics and AI degrees, it matches profile of some professor very well.

    what is my chance to be admitted in these universities?

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