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Everything posted by mph.fu

  1. Thank you for letting us know! I logged into Quest after seeing your message and I have been waitlisted as well.
  2. This Discord link to Canadian MPH admissions was shared a while back: https://discord.gg/8ReXeTRgZQ. It has channels for all of the grad schools
  3. Hoping we all hear back from UofT Health Promo today so we can finally stop foaming at the mouth from waiting.
  4. Nope, nothing has changed for me
  5. Hi everyone! Applied for MPH last year to UofT (rejection), Brock (waitlist, then rejection), and Waterloo (rejection). Applied for the same programs this year and was accepted to Brock (Mar 30)! Still waiting for UofT and Waterloo. If anyone is wondering, I have until April 14th to accept the offer.
  6. Originally on Brock's waitlist, but was rejected today.
  7. Rejected from Waterloo.
  8. I haven't heard anything yet.
  9. In the same boat, nothing from Waterloo and waitlisted for Brock.
  10. Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. You still gave it a shot, and I'm glad you found an alternative at the end! If you don't mind me asking, where will you be doing the graduate certificate?
  11. Hi! How did you find out that you were high on the waitlist? I tried emailing them this morning and Dr. Faught emailed me back saying, "Thank you for your interest in our MPH program. We do not provide positioning within our waitlist under any circumstances. However, I can tell you, without certainty, that we have activated our waitlist in the past."
  12. I've been lurking around here for the past week and decided to give updates on my end (MPH): Brock: waitlisted, maybe 1-2 weeks ago? UofT Hpromo: rejected this morning. Received an email to check my portal to look at the rejection. Waterloo: nothing, as of yet.
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