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Everything posted by FutureAssyriologist

  1. @JB9797 @SSHRCMyResponsibilities Haven't heard anything either, but the whole no documents on the extranet thing (same as @torysira) is interesting, because they had to upload new ones for me on May 4 which means it hasn't been 90 days and yet they deleted them... But no press releases or anything. I also looked and none of the application information for CGS-D/Doctoral Fellowships on the website has been updated for 2024-25 yet and last year they did it mid-July. So presumably something is in the works? They do still have 11 hours to tell us what's going on in July as promised bahaha
  2. The way I see it there are 3 options for our November payment: 1. $20,000 to match the new regular payment amount 2. $30,000 to match the new annual total 3. $23,333 - May-August it was 20k/annum, September-April it's 40k/annum, so have to "top up" the September-October payment value If I am honest, $30,000 feels unlikely because they were very clear it is September start date and it would also create a mess with all the existing award holders, i.e. do they top them up and how much and which ones. $23,333 also feels unlikely because the process seems so manual and I doubt they're going to sit there calculating payment for each date/person. So to me it feels most likely that we will get $20,000, so $30,000 total. And tbh I am still wary of them potentially grandfathering us in for this year with $20,000 total...
  3. Did you get an email saying you got it? Was it in the same folder? Also when did they email you acknowledging your switch? I don't have mine yet 😕
  4. The electronic one on the extranet, mine just needs to be updated
  5. I have uploaded my passport and the payment details form but not the request for first instalment - waiting to see the actual award letter for that.. plus still waffling on start date
  6. My thinking is similar to yours. I will wait until May 20th maybe to decide, but probably sticking with May to be honest. I was told new notice of award will be uploaded "shortly" yesterday... If you get it let me know how long it took!
  7. It's in the holder's guide - you only need to do it if you're studying internationally I think and you just upload it to the folder. Canadian citizens must provide a copy of an official document indicating their citizenship (for example, birth certificate, citizenship card or passport).
  8. I got: Should you wish to defer your start date to either September 1, 2024, or January 1, 2025, after accepting the award, please refer to our policies in the Tri-agency research training award holder’s guide. As is the usual process following a Federal Budget announcement, we are awaiting further direction from the government. We will share more information with awardees, grantees and institutions once it becomes available. This is so frustrating because I do want the award to start ASAP to get the most money (I am going into my 2nd year international PhD, so I should be done before the 4 years of fellowship ends...). I am ok with it if my first payment is the old amount and the later payments are the new amount, but if it grandfathers me into the old amount.... that would be really frustrating. UGH
  9. It's so funny though, because I have been at an international institution for 8 months now... Oh let me just forget all about that and somehow get into a Canadian institution... in May... I do vaguely remember someone earlier in this thread wondering about whether it makes sense to do a September 2024 (vs a May 2024) start date to ensure the higher payout should the budget pass (fingers crossed) - has anyone looked into that??
  10. Guess we have another 4-5 hours to go for emails to start for L-Z…? this has been… a journey so far
  11. @foucult @pseudoacademic are you both still A-K last names and did you receive news last night?
  12. Congratulations to all those who got it so far! And my commiserations to those who didn’t. Since they seemingly got through A-K in 2 hours maybe they could do the rest now 😕
  13. They are mostly certainly NOT welcome for my patience. PS I did just get the email. I think I’m committee 2 or 3? Second half of the alphabet.
  14. I’m in the second half and did not get the email…. Honestly SSHRC….. yikes
  15. Does anyone want to take bets on what "this afternoon" or "tonight" even means.... UGH
  16. The thing is though, don’t they have rankings / scores for everyone? So it would have been just a matter of moving the cut off point.. ugh
  17. I know I’m preaching to the choir but this is miserable.
  18. I found last year's thread and it appears the results started trickling in by 9pm on the Wednesday (April 26)😟
  19. Yikes, happy I didn’t end up applying last year. I mean their application site also crashed in the fall so I suppose we should prepare for the worst?… Yeesh.
  20. I am afraid to ask but… what happened last year??
  21. Oh - what do you mean you can click on CGS-Doc? Is that on https://webapps.nserc.ca/SSHRC/faces/logon.jsp? Is it in the list of application forms?...
  22. @DDX@hippocampic Nothing for me still (UofT). At what point is it appropriate to ask the department what’s going on with the OGS results?… I don’t want to be annoying (but I kind of do, let’s be honest)
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