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Everything posted by BenCookie

  1. Good evening (/morning/afternoon), everyone! I am finally making the decision to post after years of lurking. I applied for some PhD programs for English last application season and did some soul-searching and realized that my true research interests lie more so in the historical bucket than the general English literary bucket. Let me get to what inspired me to finally emerge from the shadows and make my first post on this august forum. I have a Bachelor's in English. I have a Master's in Teaching. In English Education. I want a History PhD. I am going to apply for an M.A. in History this application season. Am I foolish? I have a 4.0 GPA in my MT (which is from a top-rated School of Education). Am I going to be wasting my time (and money) going for an M.A. in History without an undergrad in it? Should I go straight for a PhD in History? I had many honest conversations with my Professors about the state of the job market post-grad, but I mean strictly from an admissions level. Any and all information is appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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