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Posts posted by LAAnthro11

  1. By the way, @Sigaba: thanks for your nice reply. I hadn't heard of everything you mentioned, and I'm eager to check them out. I'm also in the mid-semester swamp, so I'm slow to reply!

    Any chance you have a tool that can stop time, let me catch up, and then restart time? :-)

  2. Hi JT, Thanks for your message. I actually downloaded Dedoose yesterday - it's one of the tools I will assess and review. Might take me a bit to really get going with it, but I'd be happy to let you know what I find. My workflow is pretty complex, and I would love to simplify it, but I have yet to find one program that does everything I want. I will say that my initial concern with Dedoose is the browser-only option: I tend to like my programs to be accessible, even without the internet. But that's just personal preference.

    I'll let you know what I think!

  3. @Eigen: Good point about the manual annotations. That's basically what I do within Devonthink, and it works pretty well. Honestly, sometimes pen-on-paper feels the best for reading and annotating endless articles!

    I'm on a Mac, and Endnote just recently came out with X5 for the Mac. I think I'll use it more now, because the upgrade added much more functionality. That combined with Dropbox (wonderful dropbox!) sounds like a good tip.

  4. @really-cranky, thanks for your input! They are a lot of tools. I don't use all of them at the same time, and some I gave more as an example than anything. I don't want the programs to take more work than the actual research, so it's a balancing act. Clearly from my question, it's still one I'm figuring out.

    I have Scrivener loaded and ready to go, but haven't used it for anything substantial yet. I might run into the same problems you did. I know someone who wasn't crazy about Scrivener and instead used Super Notecard (added benefit that it's free!), but it didn't really fit my style. You make a good point about the folders. That is the whole point, isn't it?

    I'll look into GNote, Tomboy, and Taskmaster.


  5. Color me paranoid and grumpy, but there's something about your multiple requests that strikes me as odd. If this is a research project, how are you going to document your findings? How are you going to determine the effectiveness of the tools that other people use? If this is a research project in fulfillment of the requirements for a master's degree, should you not be building your own tools?

    Also, given the fact that there are several existing threads on this BB that address directly your questions, the fact that you have started multiple new threads does not, IMO, speak well of your commitment to your own project.

    (But I'm not bitter.)

    Hi Sigaba,

    Thanks for your criticism. It's not a research project, it's a personal project and one that I have been asked to undertake by others in my department. I don't need to validate effectiveness, and I don't need a methodology. It's just a workflow question. I have done my own work, and continue to explore digital tools on my own. The collaborative nature of many of the tools means that it is actually a form of commitment to explore what others use, rather than just stopping with the first ones I find.

    That said, I have posted multiple times for one reason: the two threads are within separate categories. The first is anthropologically focused, and it is possible that tools specifically useful to anthros might be addressed there. The second (note, there are only two: I'm not thread-bombing the whole site) is in the general research category, which is interdisciplinary. I created a new thread rather than working within the existing threads because the existing threads did not encompass my entire question.

  6. Hi all, I am a master's student working on a project to introduce/increase the sharing of digital tools within my department. I am looking for input from other students/faculty/anyone on how they research and manage their workflow.

    If you have anything in particular that you use and like, I'd love to know about it. It could be anything to:

    -filter news and information from wide world of the internet

    -amass information (esp. if you do any internet research)

    -organize information

    -analyze data


    -present information/data/research

    -collaborate with others

    For example, I filter news and current evens through Paper.li, and I am looking at NetVision as another possible option. I bookmark sites and articles with Del.i.cious, and Diigo is another great tool for annotating web pages and bookmarking. Del.li.cious feeds my bookmarks into DEVONThink, which is my main amassing/organizing tool. I also use Mendeley for PDFs. LiveScribe for recording interviews, ExpressScribe for transcribing them. I'll soon be assessing Dedoose for analyzing data, but am open to suggestings. OmniFocus for task managing (to-do lists, basically), although I'd love to know a free option (other than paper and pen). Scrivener for writing. Prezi for presenting.

    What do you use? Why? Do you follow twitter or blogs, and do they contribute to your academic work? I am eager and open to all suggestions!

  7. Hi all, I am a master's student working on a project to introduce/increase the sharing of digital tools within my department. I am looking for input from other students/faculty/anyone on how they research and manage their workflow.

    If you have anything in particular that you use and like, I'd love to know about it. It could be anything to:

    -filter news and information from wide world of the internet

    -amass information (esp. if you do any internet research)

    -organize information

    -analyze data


    -present information/data/research

    -collaborate with others

    For example, I filter news and current evens through Paper.li, and I am looking at NetVision as another possible option. I bookmark sites and articles with Del.i.cious, and Diigo is another great tool for annotating web pages and bookmarking. Del.li.cious feeds my bookmarks into DEVONThink, which is my main amassing/organizing tool. I also use Mendeley for PDFs. LiveScribe for recording interviews, ExpressScribe for transcribing them. I'll soon be assessing Dedoose for analyzing data, but am open to suggestings. OmniFocus for task managing (to-do lists, basically), although I'd love to know a free option (other than paper and pen). Scrivener for writing. Prezi for presenting.

    What do you use? Why? Do you follow twitter or blogs, and do they contribute to your academic work? I am eager and open to all suggestions!

  8. +1 I've been using Papers for over a year now and just upgraded to Papers2. I don't know what I'd do without it. I also use an app called Notebook for Mac which I use to take class notes. I generally record my classes with my iPod while taking notes with Notebook and then afterwards I drop the audio file right onto the Notebook page for that class session. I use Things for Mac as my task manager and to help me plan and keep track of what's due and when for each class and paper. That's been indispensable as well.

    I also use Scrivener when writing a long research or historiographic essay. If you haven't seen this application, google it. It's incredible.

    I use Evernote for random or on-the-spot notetaking and Curio for mind-mapping/paper conception. Of course, I use EndNote for citation management and DevonThink Pro for having one searchable database of all my files.

    I backup most of this stuff to my Dropbox account, i.e., email archives, calendars, contacts, tasks, EndNote libraries, Notebooks, etc.... I also keep my main semester folder with subfolders for each class in my Dropbox folder so it's always backed up along with all my "project" (essay) folders. I also just got a Kindle which has been really good for reading journal article pdfs since I spend a lot of time traveling during the day. And, almost everything above is also synced to my iPod.

    I have been considering getting an e-pen as well... the Livescribe looks really interesting.

    Natsteel, your workflow looks pretty amazing. I am using DevonThink Pro Office, Mendeley, Scrivener, and my boss (I'm a research assistant) uses LiveScribe and loves it. Pair that with ExpressScribe and you're good to go! The question I have for you is: how do you manage the DEVONThink - EndNote flow? I want to use EndNote for the CiteWhileYouWrite but it feels tedious/repetitive to manually put things into EndNote, since I can't find an easy metadata export function from DEVONThink. Do you have any particular reason for using Papers2 over Mendeley?

    Also, re: the Windows question, Quiqqa looks pretty amazing and is only available for Windows, so I would use that if I were on a PC. I think it's comparable to Mendeley, and maybe Papers2? Plus seems to have a good annotation component.

    Does anyone have a good annotation program? DEVONThink is okay, but not entirely intuitive. Ditto for Mendeley, Adobe, Scim, etc. I want to be able to highlight passages and add notes, and then hit a button and have the highlighted passages and the notes exported to a word document.iAnnotate appears to do it, but I don't have an IPad. Thoughts?

  9. I think good and bad alike come by email - I've gotten one rejection and one acceptance (CUNY and KU, respectively) via email, and my boyfriend has had the same. Are you waiting for many more? Best of luck!

    Ouch I just got my first rejection letter...doesn't make it feel better that it came in an email. Will only the bad letters come this way?

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