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Everything posted by northeast_hopeful

  1. Thank you! They sent a personalized email so I'm not sure if they sent out to everyone. A part of the email stated this: We have received your application to Brown CCMB PhD program and are very enthusiastic based on our initial review. We think you could be an excellent fit with our program. Given our applications were due later than many programs, the full committee will be meeting mid-January and we expect to be able to formally reach out to you with more details. I think based on this they might be sending out more interview invites in mid-January but I'm not sure.
  2. Just received an interview invite from Tri-I Comp Bio!! Applied (19): MIT CSB, Harvard BIG, Stanford BMI, UW Genome Sciences, Wash U DBBS CSB, CMU-Pitt JCB, Cornell Tri-I, Rutgers Molecular Biosciences, Yale CBB, UCSF, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Princeton QCB, UPenn GCB, Duke CBB, UNC Chapel Hill BCB, UCSD BSB, Caltech Bioengineering, Brown Comp BioInterview: - UNC Chapel Hill BCB, Duke CBB, UPenn GCB, UCSF. Yale CBB, Rutgers Mol Bio, UCSD BSB, Washu U DBBS, Stanford BMI, UC Berkeley, Princeton QCB, Brown Comp Bio, Tri-I Comp BioRejected: - UW Genome Sciences, Harvard BIG (Silent Rejection), UCLA (Waitlist)Accepted: -
  3. Same it was one of my top choices. I did receive a UCSD BCB invite today though, so not all bad news. Applied (19): MIT CSB, Harvard BIG, Stanford BMI, UW Genome Sciences, Wash U DBBS CSB, CMU-Pitt JCB, Cornell Tri-I, Rutgers Molecular Biosciences, Yale CBB, UCSF, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Princeton QCB, UPenn GCB, Duke CBB, UNC Chapel Hill BCB, UCSD BSB, Caltech Bioengineering, Brown Comp BioInterview: - UNC Chapel Hill BCB, Duke CBB, UPenn GCB, UCSF. Yale CBB, Rutgers Mol Bio, UCSD BSB, Washu U DBBS, Stanford BMI, UC Berkeley, Princeton QCB, Brown Comp BioRejected: - UW Genome Sciences, UCLA (Waitlist)Accepted: -
  4. I also got an interview, does anyone know if Harvard BIG is out? The spreadsheet has that checkmarked too.
  5. I got interviews from Penn GCB and UCSF today. Really excited for both, I love a lot of the work the faculty do in those two. UCLA has sent out bioinformatics interviews but I didn't get one so I'm assuming soft rejection for that as of right now. For Penn GCB, they said to notify them by December 29th so I think they might send out more interviews if people reject but not sure. Applied (19): MIT CSB, Harvard BIG, Stanford BMI, UW Genome Sciences, Wash U DBBS CSB, CMU-Pitt JCB, Cornell Tri-I, Rutgers Molecular Biosciences, Yale CBB, UCSF, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Princeton QCB, UPenn GCB, Duke CBB, UNC Chapel Hill BCB, UCSD BSB, Caltech Bioengineering, Brown Comp BioInterview: - UNC Chapel Hill BCB, Duke CBB, UPenn GCB, UCSFRejected: -Accepted: -
  6. Three of mine are professors (along with the roles I mentioned) so hopefully I'm competitive ? Although I do know some people from industry who applied to Stanford BMI and got in, I'm assuming most of their recs were from bosses/supervisors.
  7. Thank you! 95% of schools haven't gotten back to applicants yet so there's still plenty of time!
  8. Im from a public university in the east coast. I got my LORs from my lab advisor, fellowship advisor, a course instructor, and my supervisor in a co-op I was in.
  9. Just got an interview from Duke CBB! UNC Chapel Hill - Interview Received (12/10) Duke CBB - Interview Received (12/16)
  10. Yeah of course, you're very competitive as an international statement. Hope all the best happens for you!
  11. Nope, going by last years results they should be sending out interviews this week
  12. Received an interview invitation from UNC BBSP on the 10th. Really excited!
  13. Hi everyone, This is my first round of applying. Senior year undergraduate student at a public university. 3.98 GPA, two publications (one co-first author, one co-second author). About 2.5 years of research experience + goldwater scholarship. I'm applying to 19 schools (yep its a lot haha). The programs are: - MIT CSB - Harvard BIG - UW Genome Sciences - Stanford BMI - University of Washington DBBS - Yale CCB - Weill Cornell Tri-I - Brown Comp Bio - UPenn GCB - CMU Pitt Joint Comp Bio - UNC Chapel Hill BBSP - Caltech Bioengineering - Rutgers Molecular Biosciences - UCSF - UCLA - UC Berkeley - Duke CBB - UCSD - Princeton QCB Goodluck to everyone, very stressful times ahead. We should know about some interviews/rejections this upcoming week.
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