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hay bagel

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Everything posted by hay bagel

  1. Anxiously waiting on BU to decide my fate--I am thrilled with my other offers so I don't think I could really go wrong, but if I make it off the waitlist then I am definitely going to Boston. I hate how dragged out this process is 😕
  2. UConn and Temple! I think I agree with you, I don't see myself handling the teaching that well
  3. I know! Like if you know you don't want me then just say so, let me move on!
  4. I am currently struggling so hard to choose between my two options--do I follow the money, or the lifestyle?? I love both faculty, but one is super rural and the other is in a city I love, and the city school is paying a few K less a year. The rural school also has a 2/2 teaching load versus a 1/1.... but I am genuinely so split. So many pros and cons to each. How do I choose???
  5. Hey! I haven't heard from BU yet either, but at the UConn students weekend I met someone who said they attended a pre-admissions at NEU that was for the top 20 candidates, and that they were planning to accept 4 of the 20 invited. I obviously can't verify the info so take this with a grain of salt, but I decided to take it as an assumed rejection. The same person also told me they were waitlisted at BU, so that's another I am just counting myself out of as well.
  6. You are such a rockstar, congrats!! I'm excited to see where you ultimately choose--you're going to do GREAT things! ?❤️
  7. I haven't heard anything yet, but my app says "awaiting decision" so I am feeling quite terrified ?
  8. I saw some Boston College rejections go out, and I have not stopped checking my email obsessively ever since. Put me out of my misery!! I think I'm still weeks away from hearing back from a majority of my schools based on timelines from previous years. UGH
  9. That's so exciting, I'm glad I found a virtual friend :)) Based on the last few years of results, I am thinking some time between the last week of January through the second week of February!
  10. Oh wow, that's awesome! I feel like I have a six-way tie for my top choices lol, I am just really hoping I end up in Boston! What about you??
  11. I'm interested in long 18th century ecocrit! What about you? Can I ask why you were restricted to only 6? That does seem so stressful relinquishing even more control over this process!
  12. I applied to 11! I ended up not submitting two (for a would-be total of 13) at the last minute because my fee waiver requests got denied and I knew I didn't connect with those two programs that well, but I am truly terrified that I won't end up getting in anywhere. I feel like I have no "safety" school like I did when I was applying for MFA's, so everything feels like such drastically higher stakes now!
  13. I know we're still at least a couple weeks away from beginning to hear back, but I literally cannot think about ANYTHING else! I am so anxious and just desperate for news UGH
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