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w/ love & squalor

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Everything posted by w/ love & squalor

  1. I don't totally remember either, but I would have clicked that box if it was there. I already emailed the graduate program administrator at the end of February trying to get the status of my application, and got the standard "committee still reviewing applications" response. Maybe I'll email her again. In all likelihood my rejection email is on its way.
  2. Maybe..I already have an MA, though. Would they consider offering me an MA spot when I already have one?
  3. So what does it mean to still not hear from NYU one way or the other? NYU is the only school I'm still waiting to hear back from and I've been assuming rejection for weeks, but didn't hear a peep from them today. What gives?
  4. front of the mountain: Bruno Latour Donna Haraway Elaine Scarry Jane Bennett hidden behind rock face: Barthes Deleuze Foucault Freud But if I had my choice, I'd put four texts on the face of the mountain instead of people: Haraway's "Cyborg Manifesto," Latour's Aramis, Scarry's The Body in Pain, and Bennett's Vibrant Matter. Those are underneath everything I think.
  5. Thanks! Yes, it was a personal email and then a phone call. I think they've made their decisions (or some of them at least), but I don't think they've notified many people yet. I haven't gotten the official email from the department yet, just the personal contact from my POI. I did find out that the campus visit is on March 1 and 2 though, so the rest of the acceptances should be coming soon. ETA: Ok, this is weird. I just got the official email from the Director of Graduate Studies and it says the visiting weekend is March 15-17. My POI must have mixed up the dates.
  6. That was me! I was contacted by my POI last night.
  7. I (lurker) got into Rice. It was personal contact from my POI who I've been communicating with pretty regularly, so he could be letting me know early. I don't think they've sent out anything official so I wouldn't panic yet.
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