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  1. I applied to five programs for theory, accepted at two and rejected at three. Rejections are disappointing but I'm ultimately happy with where things landed--I got into a program that's a good fit with decent funding. I'm still waiting to hear about funding from one of the schools that accepted me, so there may still be some haggling over money, but I've decided with 99% certainty where I want to go. Good luck to everyone who's still waiting, in the negotiation stage, or planning an imminent move.
  2. That's what Tom Petty always said. We're almost through January. I expect we'll see a lot more movement over the next couple weeks. Hang in there everyone!
  3. Yeah, I think every program has a different timeline, so it's hard to know how to interpret silence. It's not quite late enough in the process yet that it's rational to worry if you haven't heard anything (not that that stops any of us). Some music theory programs want to test your keyboard and aural skills as part of the admissions decision, so they'll tend to send things out earlier. At the more academics/research-focused programs, I'm guessing some of them haven't even opened my application yet. Obviously musicology is a whole different animal. Good luck with your applications!
  4. At this rate I would kill for any nugget of news, even a rejection. I can't imagine having to wait till March to get any news from a school. For Michigan I'm guessing they scheduled a bunch of people for 20 minutes each with 5 minutes in between.
  5. Which one is that? Yes
  6. I'm applying to theory programs as well. Five schools, probably a subset of all the same ones you're applying to. So far I've done one interview and I have a second one coming up. A third school sent an auto-generated notice that they're looking at applications and expect to make decisions in mid-February (I think they don't do interviews, based on what people have said in past years). I doubt I'll hear anything else for several weeks, even if it's all good news. Trying not to worry too much about it, but the waiting and uncertainty are going to give me an ulcer.
  7. Looks like Michigan sent out interview invites this weekend.
  8. Anyone applying to music theory programs for Fall 2023? I'm curious where schools are in the admissions process right now. Eastman reached out right away about an interview, and I received a notice a few days ago that UChicago has begun file review and will make admissions decisions in mid-February. I'm applying to three other schools and I have no idea what they're up to right now. Does anyone else have any intel they can offer?
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