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Everything posted by ramgorur

  1. That's partially true. But here are a list of labs doing similar research -- the main problem with field is that CS people are gradually depleting from it and supplanted by Mechanical, OR related people. so if you are from CS background, it is really hard to find a good position (specially in US). I am a also a victim of this condition, done my ugrad theis and masters in evocomp and still no luck for a phd admit -- planning to change my research focus, which is a hard and heart-breaking option for me. http://www.cs.gmu.edu/~eclab/index.html (George Mason Uni) http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~honavar/alife.isu.html (Iowa State Uni) http://eece.ksu.edu/~sdas/bic/bic.htm#projects (Kansas State Uni) http://ccsl.mae.cornell.edu/ (Cornell-Mechanical Engg.) http://medal.cs.umsl.edu/index.php (Uni of Missouri) http://groups.csail.mit.edu/EVO-DesignOpt/evo.php (MIT) http://garage.cse.msu.edu/ (Michigan State) http://devolab.msu.edu/ (Michigan State) http://www.mae.buffalo.edu/research/design_op.php (SUNY-Buffalo Aerospace Engg.) http://www3.uta.edu/faculty/subbarao/aslmainbody.html (UTArlington-Aerospace) http://nn.cs.utexas.edu/ (UTA) http://ti.arc.nasa.gov/tech/asr/aces/ (NASA) here is more -- list of researchers doing GA/GP -- http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/W.Langdon/homepages.html list of researchers doing optimization -- https://wiki.ece.cmu.edu/ddl/index.php/Researchers In europe, you will find a good number of labs doing GA/GP etc.
  2. Harvard PhD Open House is already over right ? then why do people still waiting for PhD admit ??
  3. that's true, I got 780 in Q, but no luck (rejected from almost all schools) , GRE math is a crap it doesn't tell anything about your math proficiency. If someone really wants to show his math skills, I think Math Subject GRE is the better option.
  4. thanx, I will PM you soon with my SOP.
  5. Thank you for your valuable insight. Regarding internships, I am not a student anymore and I am staying in Bangladesh, do you know how to get these internship opportunities? and same case here, there were lots of links directed from my cv and other application materials and me too could not find a single hit. moreover, does this "appeal" thing really work? I am also thinking about it.
  6. Hi, I took GRE for two times and could not get into any school this year - if I take GRE again will it increase my chances?? If I take CS subject test, will it help? since my undergrad is from a very insignificant school. please seniors suggest.
  7. that's true, so better to get ready for a reject. May be they are allowing some extra days to prepare our mind.
  8. I am on the same boat as you are, got nothing, neither rejection nor admit. yes, mass reject letter will be coming soon. So, better to be get ready.
  9. no, i guess I have lost it this year.
  10. I have totally screwed up my Personal History Statement. Will it create any severe effect on my application? Still did not hear anything from them. applied to CS PhD.
  11. Has UIUC sent out all its admits for PhD CS program ? Does anyone have any idea ??
  12. Does anyone know if UCSD and UMich completed their admission nofitications? I have applied to CS PhD.
  13. <br /><br /><br /> Well said.
  14. have you applied to PhD or MS at CMU??

  15. PhD in CS: AI, Robotics, OS and Dist. Systems. PhD in Robotics: Planning Scheduling, Multi robot systems so I have lost it.
  16. should we wait ?? or look for the next ones ??
  17. same here. should we mail?
  18. Is CMU and UIUC saga are over ?? So, is that what we achieved after such tedious, expensive and time-consuming application process ?
  19. I have also applied to CMU, looks like this one is also out of my reach
  20. I have also applied for UIUC PhD. No news yet. May be I am also rejected.
  21. Hi, I have posted the same message at the "Engineering" forum, but no reply. Actually I think it is suitable for "CS" group. Here is my profile, I am looking for a PhD position - Bachelors (Computer Science) : GPA 3.83/4.00 (From Bangladesh) Masters by Research (Computer Science) : University of Sydney, 90% Scholarships : Australian Leadership Award (2007), International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS - 2010) Research: CLOUDS Lab at Melbourne for 2 years. Publications: 2 ACM, 3 IEEE Conferences (1 nominated for best student paper award), 1 Wiey-Blackwell Journal Conferences are top tiers in my research field. GRE: Verbal 550, Quant 780, AWA 4.0 I have couple of national level awards and nominations. I am the first author in all papers. is there any chance for me to top schools like MIT, Berkley, UIUC, UCLA ?? please advice, thanks in advance.
  22. Hi, Here is my profile, I am looking for a PhD position - Bachelors (Computer Science) : GPA 3.83/4.00 (From Bangladesh) Masters by Research (Computer Science) : University of Sydney, 90% Scholarships : Australian Leadership Award (2007), International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS - 2010) Publications: 2 ACM, 3 IEEE Conferences (1 nominated for best student paper award), 1 Wiey-Blackwell Journal Conferences are top tiers in my research field. GRE: Verbal 550, Quant 780, AWA 4.0 I have couple of national level awards and nominations. I am the first author in all papers. is there any chance for me to top schools like MIT, Berkley, UIUC, UCLA ?? please advice, thanks in advance.
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