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Boudicca's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Not Funded (Committee 3 - Anthropology/Archaeology) 37/84, 14.36/18, last funded award 14.99 I had 1 single author article and 1 co-authored (first author), 9 conference presentations, and substantial community collaboration. Honestly I am more disappointed about what this means for the future of the project. Although I am now stressed about getting a non-SSHRC postdoc/job so I will be able to pay my bills, the SSHRC post-doc in my opinion doesn't offer enough financially for me to be truly upset about not getting this. Congrats to those who were funded!
  2. Yeah the waiting is starting to get to me as well...I told myself not to expect anything until March but it's challenging not knowing and making contingency plans that may or may not be needed. ugh.
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