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Posts posted by TitiMePregunto

  1. Reached out to UC Irvine & this is what they said:


    The committee has made their decisions and recently made offers and notified waitlisted applicants. I’m sorry we won’t be able to offer you admission at this time. Due to the large number of applicants, we are only able to admit about 3%. So unfortunately, we have to turn away some good writers. The decision letters will be posted to the online portal this week.


    We appreciate your patience and wish you the very best in your writing endeavors.

  2. RE: UC Irvine - sorry to all of us who've been waiting!

    Admissions Timeline

    All offers of admission will be made by March 25.  These candidates must accept or decline their offer and financial support package no later than April 15.
    Candidates who have been placed on a wait list will also be notified by April 1, and offered admission and support as places become available.
    Applicants who have not been notified of admission or placement on the wait list by April 2, should assume they will not be offered admission. Because of the high number of applications and limited staff, it is not possible to send out denial notifications until late spring. Applicants who wish to confirm their application status sooner, may contact the Programs in Writing after April 16.
  3. 4 hours ago, rayfelix said:

    Hey! I was wondering if anyone from fiction has heard from Brown, Iowa, Boise State, Notre Dame, U of Florida, or UT Austin New writer's project (I got a rejection from Micheners but no word from NWP). I'm still waiting on them and feel like I'm losing my mind!

    I received my Iowa rejection in the mail (I think it was postmarked 3/3 or something like that) & I was notified of my Notre Dame acceptance a couple of weeks ago post-interview.

  4. 1 minute ago, 1badgloop said:

    Has anyone heard anything from UC Irvine? I've heard that they swear admitted students to secrecy online but idk how accurate that is. There was a post in Draft yesterday that made it seem like they've started notifying admits but it got mysteriously deleted after like an hour.

    I'M WAITING AS WELL! I didn't know about the online secrecy bit -- what would the point of that be?

  5. 2 hours ago, Malachi Panther said:

    Hello! I have a lil q I could use some help with. I’ve been accepted into 3 schools so far, one of which is my dream school. The other two are not fully funded, so I’ll have to embark on the GTA funding process soon (interviews and whatnot). Should I turn down those two schools now, before I potentially waste their and my time trying to secure funding for me?

    Congratulations! This is a dream problem to have :') You're 100% sure you wouldn't go to those other schools even if you received GTA funding?

  6. 7 minutes ago, eternalwhitenights said:


    Congrats y'all! Was it for poetry or prose, do you know?

    Also, I think this is the first year ND has done interviews, at least from my knowledge. I didn't get invited for an interview, so I'm not sure whether to take that as a rejection, waitlist, what...can either of you give insight into whether they mentioned that interviewees were the only candidates in consideration? ND is the only school I applied to (3rd year in a row), and my heart is still hoping against hope I at least got past the rejection stage this year.

    Most of all, once again, congratulations!!! That's such a huge accomplishment, and I'm really happy for you. ❤️❤️❤️ 

    This was for prose! I was told ten folks were placed on a shortlist to interview.

  7. 24 minutes ago, snarkdarklark said:

    Down from six to four each in fiction and poetry. They sent me a message in the fall about it because I had already opened up my application, I guess. Increased stipend (now $30000) though, but obviously worse odds. 

    what school is this for?

  8. 13 hours ago, flameazalea said:

    It looks like a few folks have reported WVU acceptances. They're the only school I have yet to hear back from, so I'll keep my fingers crossed for a call or an email here soon. If I'm rejected, though... Let's just say I'm polishing up my resume as we speak, lol.

    Just wanted to float this by some of y'all-- my advisor and I had a meeting earlier today and she suggested I try getting funding for an MA in Literature and then go into an MFA in Writing from there. This might be worthwhile for me, as my background is in Environmental Studies. Has anyone else tried this, given thought to this, or have any opinions on the matter? Assuming I won't get into WVU, haha this decision would lead me to a) apply only for MA programs come Autumn, b) apply for both MA and MFA programs and see what happens, or c) decide it isn't worth the hassle and remaining loyal to the fever dream that is MFA applications. 

    Thanks for the help!

    First of all, are you getting an MA just to get an MFA? I don't think it works like that. If an MFA is your dream degree, focus on your writing and SOPs. Secondly, what do you want to do with your degree(s)? If it's just to have a Master's, yeah, then I guess go for it, but remember you're spending 4-6 years of your life studying for something. 

    (sorry if i'm coming off crabby -- i'm just tired of grad programs making us think we have to jump through bureaucratic hoops to get in when our talent should speak for itself)

  9. 23 minutes ago, 1badgloop said:

    Michigan rejections are going out now (got mine this morning). Iowa may still be calling people?

    Someone posted about being accepted to Irvine in this forum weeks ago, but that was for poetry. I don't think anyone has heard back for fiction yet.

    Thank you! Yeah, I'm hoping to hear back from So Cal programs, or else I'm moving very far away (x

  10. 19 hours ago, dagreenkat said:

    I've been checking gradcafe. Seems like Michigan is over but idk why they would wait so long to send out rejections if that's all they have left. And haven't heard a peep from Virginia and Brown other than that they've typically notified somewhere around March 6-16 in previous years.

    Any extra insight on Brown, Virginia, or Michigan notifying fiction?

    Just received my rejection from Michigan for fiction :(

  11. 3 hours ago, michelleee said:

    sorry it's taken me awhile to make an official post about my progress--ive been waitlisted three places (south carolina, new mexico, oregon state) and rejected from wisconsin--still waiting on like 5 others (michigan which is being weird but prob a rejection, colo state and iowa which are apparently notifying, and also idaho and iowa state). so many waitlists has me really freaked out but thank you to everyone who has been posting and keeping all us lurkers diligently updated (especially those who share what they see in draft since im not a part of it and cant bring myself to request) it has both saved my life and stopped my heart multiple times. none of these schools have given any numbers or sense of placement on the waitlist to me and it's been hellish but i also understand that they're in a weird position since it seems like everyone either gets a ton of acceptances, a ton of waitlists, or a ton of rejections lol, very rarely even numbers of each. ugh idk just venting at this point. i know my work is good but my personal statement was really iffy to be honest and one of my recs might have been weird so i can see what's holding me back pretty clearly and i hope they can overlook it. this is my first time around and im 21 so im grateful to be seriously considered! also btw i study poetry lol. thank you again to everyone!!

    What does “in draft” mean???

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