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Posts posted by kashubhaj

  1. On 3/6/2023 at 11:09 PM, kashubhaj said:

    I heard about grad cafe during my undergrad years and used it to see what applicants get accepted into what schools. I still use it, but I hate it.

    The UI sucks. There’s trolls. It’s not very informative. You can’t filter by schools.

    I want to build a website that has the student verify the student’s university, GPA, etc. Then, gives the option to fill out what schools they applied to. It would follow up with you if you got accepted/rejected. If enough people use it, it could give valuable information like when do departments release decisions. Or, the acceptance rate of the school with the given GPA, experience, publications, etc https://omegle.onl/.

    I also think it might be nice to give the option of letting you know when decisions have started to come in for those that are really anxious.

    The lack of transparency with college admissions really frustrates me and I’m sure others as well. The only thing I’m potentially worried about is that students won’t want their personal info on there? Like they might think that the website will get hacked or something.

    What do you guys think?

    I got this,..

  2. I heard about grad cafe during my undergrad years and used it to see what applicants get accepted into what schools. I still use it, but I hate it.

    The UI sucks. There’s trolls. It’s not very informative. You can’t filter by schools.

    I want to build a website that has the student verify the student’s university, GPA, etc. Then, gives the option to fill out what schools they applied to. It would follow up with you if you got accepted/rejected. If enough people use it, it could give valuable information like when do departments release decisions. Or, the acceptance rate of the school with the given GPA, experience, publications, etc.

    I also think it might be nice to give the option of letting you know when decisions have started to come in for those that are really anxious.

    The lack of transparency with college admissions really frustrates me and I’m sure others as well. The only thing I’m potentially worried about is that students won’t want their personal info on there? Like they might think that the website will get hacked or something.

    What do you guys think?

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