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Dr. Kimchi

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Posts posted by Dr. Kimchi

  1. Hi everyone. I would like to ask for some advice, please. I am considering making a career change to SLP. I am a teacher and have been in the teaching profession for more than ten years now. I really loved education and have continuously strived to better myself professionally. In doing so I managed to get my BA, MA, and Ed.D. However, I am deeply depressed about my profession. The field of education is no longer what it used to be. I no longer feel like a professional who can exercise his craft. Rather I feel like a mindless drone that has to pretend that kids are receiving an education. I no longer find meaning in what I do, and I really want to change that. I have always been fascinated with language and how the human brain works with regard to language acquisition, hence why I got an MA in TESOL.

    I love the idea of SLP and being able to make a difference in kids' lives again. However, I am scared of falling into another trap. Is it worth it in 2023 to become an SLP? I am not looking for wishy-washy university brochure answers. What is the reality in the field?


    Kind regards

    Dr. Kimchi

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