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Posts posted by Kcanuck

  1. Hey there, I'm not sure if this helps, but last year I took the test on November 21st for a January 4 deadline and I had no problem getting the scores in on time. I was living in Canada so I was a bit worried about leaving it last minute-ish, and when I called the office of the school I was applying for they said it would be tight. But I didn't end up having any difficulties.

  2. cordelia,

    To answer your question: my thesis proposal incorporates, broadly speaking, political sociology, social stratification in capitalist societies, and the social thought of Pierre Bourdieu.

    So this is interesting timing, but it turns out that one of the emails I had sent (a couple of weeks ago) was not properly sent, because this morning it was rerouted back to my inbox (sometimes happens with my work email). At least that cuts down my non-responses by 50% :roll:

    I think I'll hold off on re-sending it, because the responses on this board have made me a lot more afraid of 'rejection' via non-response than I was before!

  3. Misterpat:

    Whoa, I'm not sure that looking at things that negatively would do me any good. NYU is a great fit for me, and a number of my professors had recommended the NYU Sociology dept because my research interests have been very consistent over the years; furthermore, the work of the two NYU profs in question were main sources for my thesis as well as 3 essays I have won awards on. It seemed only natural that I should emphasize this in my SOP.

    I know a few people who have contacted profs and not heard back, but this in itself is not a reason to just give up and not apply!

    Thanks for that though...

  4. Hey all,

    It seems that most Sociolgoy applicants on this board have their undergraduate degrees in Sociology (understandably). Are there any of you out there who have done Political Science? I did both my B.A. and M.A. in Canada in Political Science, but I applied at NYU sociology and I'm wondering how the Soc departments in general view non-soc degrees.

    Most of my undergraduate/graduate work has been 'sociology' related, and my interests fall right in line with some of the key areas of focus in the NYU soc department, but I do wonder if having two degrees in poli sci will cause a frown or two...


  5. I guess you all make good points, I am just pretty upset because I thought I had written such a strong SOP. And my GPA, SOP and writing sample need to really stand out and be strong, given my very low GRE scores. (600V 560Q 5.0 AW) My GPA in my Master's was 4.0 and undergrad was nearly as high but I really worry that the mistake with the professor's name will make me look like I briefly looked over his work and randomly inserted his name into a generic SOP. I've cited him in so many essays over the years, too, which is what is so frustrating because I never made the same mistake in those essays!

    Ok I'm rambling now, that usually happens when panic mode sets in.

  6. Ok, after having spent weeks on my SOP for one school, dedicating all my time to writing a statement that demonstrated why that one school was such a good fit for me, I just realized that I spelled one of the professor's name wrong. His name ends with an S, but when I wrote about his influence on me, I put "Professor X's work" instead of "Professor Xs' work". Needless to say, I submitted the application online last night.

    And I did it twice.

  7. misterpat, your bracket was brilliant.

    Well I finally cut my SOP down to required length, and it was written entirely for NYU so no generic statements or anything like that. Too bad they are not even going to read it, seeing as my app will go straight to the trash bin after they see my GRE scores. Apparently strong B.A. and M.A. transcripts mean nothing compared to some exam that tests nothing I learned for the past seven years. Ugh

  8. Miratrix, I had the same worry as you, but that was why I liked the idea suggested above (explaining in brackets when sections have been cut out). At the very least even if someone reading the essay thinks that some of the sections I cut out should have been kept in, they will know that the original essay did cover such issues. Now I'm on to trying to cut down my SOP from 12 pages to 2.....too bad I can't use the whole bracket-idea for that, as well. Ha...

    [Rambling, desperate and wordy excuse for bad GRE scores omitted in order to meet page length requirements]

  9. The adcomms must be so tired of reading applications that in those cases, my bet would be: shorter is better.

    I'm sure you can edit your paper to make it shorter. Just insert something like this:

    [A discussion on the mating habits of the porcupines of British Columbia has been removed to comply with the space constraints]

    Thanks jackassjim, that is exactly what I did. It was actually a great way to get rid of a couple of the sections that while important for my discussion, were weaker than the rest of the paper. At least with the bracketed insertions, I can make it clear (if they ever end up actually reading the darn paper) that my paper was comprehensive in its original form.

  10. Apologies if this question has been posted and answered elsewhere: when a particular school (in my case NYU) states that the maximum number of pages for a writing sample is 20, do you think that this includes title page/ endnotes? I have a very strong paper that I want to submit but with the latter included, the total page count is 22.


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