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  1. I feel you. Its the only one I applied to and I just want to know what Im doing next year! Also just wondering, did you have the statistics requirement met or did you select to do the summer intensive? Because I selected the summer intensive (havent done stats since 2016) so im wondering if thats the delay since most people i saw accepted all had the stats requirement already met! Or do you have a later last name? Mine starts with Y. Im just trying to see if theres any pattern to this lol.
  2. I am! Mine has said under evaluation since March 3rd... I called them last week and said I should know by end of this week. Its killing me though. Has anyone actually gotten an admission letter or is it all Ozone?
  3. Congrats!!! Did you get an email or just checked Ozone? Still nothing on my end 😕
  4. I believe I applied for there public Health Policy Stream so doubt its that as I saw others get in :/. My last name does start with a Y so it may be that. Honestly not sure but keep getting more anxious as the days go as I just want to know. Even if its a no lol as I have a new potential work project starting in september and if I dont get in Im going to do that. But I need to know ASAP. gah
  5. Mine still is Under Evaluation. It hasnt reverted to the old message tho. My application did disappear for like an hour yesterday and my portal said "no application found" but it came back later. Did everyone have statistics courses completed who got in? I graduated in 2020 and the last time I took stats was in 2016 and I didnt do well so im wondering if that may have screwed me 😕
  6. Mine has said that since March 3rd..... and I submitted on the second last day also. Maybe it has to do when your reference were submitted? Mine were submitted already when i handed my application in on the 30th of january.
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