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Everything posted by cornpop15

  1. finally got rejected from Dalhousie today!!
  2. Haven’t heard anything! I have been emailing and they told me someone would get back to me soon but that was a week ago 😕 I ended up accepting an offer at an american school
  3. amazing! If you don’t mind me asking what was their decision? Just trying to figure out if they’re still sending acceptances or mostly waitlist/rejection
  4. Yeah most people I’ve talked to have the same thing in their portal!
  5. So frustrating! I haven’t been able to contact them at all. It’s possible they’ve already offered their maximum seats but I doubt it since most people haven’t heard anything from them!
  6. I think the April 15th deadline is just for other schools (Ontario for sure). I don’t think Dalhousie abides by that deadline and they don’t seem to care about letting everyone know before then
  7. don’t worry about it! I contacted them (after emailing for weeks- they’re hard to contact) and they said they received all my documents even though the portal says they didn’t. As far as I understand they’re still releasing admission decisions in the coming weeks. I only know a handful of people received acceptances in March. I’d say if we don’t hear any waitlist or rejections in the next couple weeks then we can be more concerned, but for now I’m waiting it out!!
  8. Nothing yet! I’ve also tried contacting them by email and phone and it’s impossible to get through
  9. mine says that too! I wouldn’t worry about it, lots of peoples portals say they have no documents
  10. They sent an email saying that my decision letter is uploaded on the portal!
  11. Officially rejected from McGill 👍 fingers crossed for Dalhousie, still nothing from them!
  12. I haven’t heard anything from McGill or Dalhousie yet!
  13. I’m on the waitlist for Maine! They told me I’m 2nd on the list so hoping I get an offer soon!!
  14. A handful of people heard back mid-March but a bunch of people haven’t heard anything! No rejections or waitlists have been sent out as far as I know so I guess they’re slowly sending decisions
  15. I live in Hamilton right now and I just want to say I love it here!!! All my friends love Mac (for speech and other programs) and Hamilton has a great community for arts, nature, queer community, food, and more, so don’t knock it till you try it most students don’t leave the immediate campus neighborhood but there’s so much to explore
  16. really hoping McGill and Dal continue to send out info soon, even just a waitlist or rejection, I need closure 😫
  17. I think the McGill email is just for any prospective applicant, current or future. We all probably got added to that mailing list because we applied, but I’m guessing others are invited to attend to see if they want to apply in the fall
  18. Yes! So frustrating they don’t update everyone at the same time
  19. Amazing! From last years posts is sounds like Dal has sent out decisions over a few days or weeks so fingers crossed for the rest of us!
  20. Congrats!! Did you get an email or phone call?
  21. I haven’t heard anything from Mac yet and it’s killing me!! I’ll take it as a no I guess?
  22. I got waitlisted at Maine last week! Definitely didn’t expect to hear back that fast but I’ll take it! I think McGill and Dalhousie will probably take a while, I remember seeing March-April. And all Ontario schools post decisions April 3rd I think so still a long time to wait. Good luck!
  23. Ahh that’s so many applicants!! It’s hard to say what the subGPA cutoff is, since their website only quotes “averages”. Fingers crossed for an interview at least! I applied to 4 other programs, so hoping I have a chance since they all value different things for admission. Mac is my first choice though, so the only option to get in next year is to take more courses to boost my gpa… hoping I don’t have to do that but we’ll see! Also counting on getting more volunteering experience this summer so that’ll be nice for my own learning and for applications if needed. Good luck!!
  24. is there anywhere to add an attachment as an additional document? I think there’s the SAM tool page for other schools so maybe UofT has something there?
  25. I think they want you to include the hours you did volunteering and how often. For example, I had one volunteering placement that was 2 hours (duration), once per week (frequency). You could then add all of the hours to get a total if you wanted.
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