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Posts posted by spelmanite

  1. Hey guys,

    If you don't mind me asking, was this for a Fulbright ETA or for a regular Fulbright? What country did you both apply to? I haven't bothered with looking for e-mails since the majority of those online have said that the notifications don't come until January, but it seems they've already been responding? Congratulations and I'm sorry Spelmanite. With you both the best in your futures.

    Well we both applied to the Fulbright ETA to Brazil, there was a special opportunity to leave March 2011 for Brazil instead of waiting until March of 2012. I didn't get the 2011 ETA but was recommended for the 2012, which I probably won't take because I'll be in the middle of grad school...BUMMER! But we only found out this early because the special opportunity starts this March!!!! But you all shouldn't hear anything for a while and Good Luck in your process.

    Thank You,


  2. Update... got the recommendation email this afternoon, which says final decisions will be out by early January!

    Hey Poisnao,

    GREAT for you!!!! Unfortunately I got an email yesterday too!!! I wasn't recommended (BUMMER), BUT that means you've moved on to the FINAL ROUND CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'm sure you will get it now!!! Have fun and GOOD LUCK in all your endeavors!!!!!



  3. Spelmanite,

    Thanks for the reply! The words "by mid-December" are driving me crazy right now because they are so non-specific. Hopefully any day now?! I think I am a pretty unusual applicant because I am in the middle of an M.A. TESOL degree, and my grad school would grant me a year deferral to leave and complete the ETA prior to my graduation. It's frustrating to have no idea whether come February I will be starting my last semester of grad school or packing for Brazil, and I would much prefer the latter. I know one other person who applied for a Brazil ETA, but she applied for the normal 2012 cycle because, like you mentioned, she will be in the middle of school at that point.

    GOOD LUCK and please please post if/when you hear anything!!!

    Hey Poisnao,

    So I received a survey via e-mail today and it scared the hell out of me....I thought that would make for a good laugh.....lol well hope you're having a good week and I will be sure to let you know when I hear something. ttyl

    Thank You,

    Spelmanite :)

  4. Decaf,

    I also applied for the Special Opportunity ETA in Brazil. My advisor thinks I will hear right before the Christmas holidays... She indicated that IIE likes to put out decisions right before they go on break. But if anyone has more detailed info/past experience, I would love to hear it! I'm also curious about stats for the Special Opportunity grants--are the odds of getting one generally any better?

    Ok, last question: Brazil says that 2 years of any Romance language can be adequate, + basic knowledge of Portuguese. I speak Spanish (studied high school & college and lived in South America for a year) and took a once-a-week Portuguese class this semester... are there usually a lot of Brazil applicants with similar situations given that Portuguese isn't all that commonly taught in the US, or am I at a big disadvantage?

    Good luck everyone!!!

    Looks like you're decaf too, so I'll say hello and thank you to poisnao,

    But I'm happy to hear you applied. Good Luck!!! You're the only person that I know of on this forum that also applied to The ETA Special Opportunity to Brazil. I would like to think that our chances are greater, my reasons being:

    1) there are 20 additional slots

    2) it takes place during the academic school year, so all of those that applied last year and were not awarded are more than like in school somewhere or don't have a flexible schedule that would allow them a nine month break, smack in the middle of their spring calendar.

    3) those that are seniors this year that applied couldn't apply because they would be finishing school. Now there is a chance that if the person finished and graduated in Dec then ok, there is a slight chance that the competition grows, but I think we both have a GREAT chance.

    I'm pretty optimistic for both of us if you can't tell!!!!!

    I'm in the same boat you're in with the language. I don't have much experience with Portuguese at all but I enrolled in a Community College to take additional classes which is almost the same thing you did with your weekly class. I don't think they will count it against you. I think they know that Portuguese is not commonly taught in the US, but I'm sure they will strongly consider the person that has more experience with Portuguese. We just need to find out how many applicants are actually like that and then take them out.....LOL.....just kidding. Well good luck to you and good luck to anyone else you know that applied. I look forward to meeting you in the near future......Like I said I'm pretty optimistic. Have a GREAT weekend and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Hello All,

    I actually try to frequent the site but this is my first post so here goes nothing. I was actually interested to know if anyone applied for the March 2011 ETA Special Opportunity to Brazil and if anyone has heard anything thus far? For those of you who don't know, which I'm sure most of you do, Fulbright made available 20 additional ETA awards for travel to Brazil in March 2011 instead of waiting until March 2012. And if there are others on here that have been awarded a Fulbright Special Opportunity Fellowship in the past that can make any comments or suggestions that would be GRAND!!!! I'm also trying to think of other reasons to bug the Fulbright office, so they will at least know my name....that would be GREAT as well.

    Thanks A Bunch!!!!!

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