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curfew last won the day on January 25

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    2025 Fiction MFA

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  1. Thank you so much!! It’s all okay—we ball. I appreciate you for saying this:)
  2. Did I really have to get rejected by Syracuse on my birthday. Like bro pls I know you can see my data liquified into your system just set like an alarm to do it the day after pls
  4. Has anyone else's writing changed or supercharged itself amidst decision season? I used to be a rather modest writer, words-per-day wise, which I know is not the ultimate barometer of someone's writing ability, or industriousness, but since February started I've been writing almost nonstop, and have felt [ironically] freer than ever in my style. Naturally, the looming fear of what I'm writing being horseslop is still palpable, but I don't feel as stymied by it as I used to, even just thirty days ago. As well, I've been reading like mad. @DJ Lambchop, I've just finished War and the Iliad by Simone Weil & Rachel Bespaloff, and would heavily recommend if you're a fan of Homer and want to read essays on his epics. I also have dipped my toes in Katherine Mansfield's and Lu Hsun's stories, which are two fantastic writers of countries I'm embarrassingly unfamiliar with, when it comes to their literature. I think they're fantastic. Buckets of luck to everyone this week--
  5. Reading 2666, bingeing Cake Boss w/ my partner, and trying my best [and failing my best] to stay off the forums and such for the weekend…
  6. COMGRATULATIONS!!!! WAY 2 GO @everything bagel lover!!
  7. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!!! CONGRATS @AyvaM!!! Very thankful for YOU @zaira, always giving thoughtful two cents. Cornell is the most selective program of them all, right? based on applications versus seats -- aside from Michener, methinks. I'm not feeling too sad about it, we got a lot of game left!
  8. Saw that, too. I've always heard it's just proper etiquette to waive your rights, because it shows trust in one's letter-writers, I guess? I waived mine but I can't imagine not waiving would be the ultimate decider on getting in and not getting in. My amateur guess is that a great writing sample gives insurance against everything else on the application, especially anything related to letters. I wouldn't worry too much:)
  9. Congratulations!! Wahoo!!
  11. Cheers!! Welcome to the nerve party— good luck in poetry! What are some of your top programs:?
  13. Oh man I didn’t even think about that! Good catch. Perhaps the earlier deadline was to give faculty more time and deliberation for their choices?
  14. It looks like poetry acceptances from those schools will either come out next week or the week after that! That's been the major anvil on my brain all week -- knowing that my schools won't begin to roll out decisions for at least another week, if longer, and I'm still in this limbo that is very short in the long run but more or less eternal in the now:( Hoping Hopkins sends out fiction anythings next week
  15. Congratulations!!!! Wahoo!!
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